Snarky commentary on the breeding of a poor quality woman, her silly and abusive teaching techniques and pretty much anything else that annoys me about her! Your UNCENSORED place to vent about this woman being in the horse world!

Fugly Wench of the Day

My photo
This is a philosophical blog about.....oh, screw it!!! This blog is dedicated to calling Cathy, the FHotD writer, out on her bull sh*t!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sweet Jesus!

Today's post may not be directly related to FHotD or the VLC blog, but none the less- it has to do with one Cathy wanna-be. Her blog is as vulgar and ill- inspired if not more so than FHotD. This person makes Cathy look like a genius. In fact I've found that most of the people making Cathy-like "lets bash everything in the horse industry" blogs make Cathy look like the Pope. Do they aspire to be as popular as Cathy? Or do they want to feel like they are a higher power making a huge difference in the horse world?

Not only can I not stand her detracting statements but her ill informed comments. At the bottom of her blog she wants to feel so powerful by making this statement- cause god KNOWS that her dang blog was causing such a huge upset in the ApHC horse community. This is what she had to say upon asking, "How upset are people about this blog?"

~"The answer would be *very*. Some ApHC members actually paid for an online search to find out where I live. How screwed up is that? And why did they think their little secret yahoo bitchfest group would remain secret? There are always moles amongst the rats.

This blog has already opened some eyes and will help make some changes in the horse industry. I doubt bitchers and moaners will accomplish as much."

Wow- she just gives herself too much credit. Does she really think a tiny public blog is even going to make a dent in horse world ethics? I think she likes to think that much. I just love that last line about b**chers and moaners- wouldn't her blog fit in that category? I think it's pretty funny on how people think that ragging and bashing is going to make a change in show policies. When was the last time you saw a spokes person for Missing and Exploited Children using the F-word and b**ching and moaning about the plight of Americans children being kidnapped, abused, and murdered? NEVER. When was the last time you saw Amber Haggermans mother on TV yelling and using profanity trying to make a change with kidnapped children? NEVER. And guess what, she's had several laws passed to help aid in protecting future generations. Do you know why? Because well informed and educated people that want to make changes go to heads of congress, state boards, and top organizations with EDUCATED, LITERATE, and WELL SPOKEN speeches that show what's wrong, how it's wrong, and what can be done to change it. They don't go start "lets bash everything involving _____(fill in the blank). They don't use profanities, name calling, or come with an attack mentality.

You want to make a difference? Start with forming petitions, gather well informed and educated people. Compile evidence and head to a AQHA or other horse organization congress meeting. They are open for that purpose. Choose a spokes person that will provide an educated, well thought out, and provide ways to improve the organization.


Horse 101 said...

Wow, I just read her drug post. My horses must think I'm satan's spawn for giving them bute, banamine and dex when they ache or don't feel well.
You're right, she is uneducated. My emergency med kit has several of those drugs in it and it's not for performance enhancement.

phenylbutazone - yep, I give bute if I know they are sore or have a mild injury

flunixin - check, and I think every horseman that keeps horses at home should have a bottle of banamine and know how to give it if needed. It's great for colic and fever reduction

naproxen - uh, yeah, in my human medicine cabinet. It's just Alieve.

dexamethasone - great for allergic reactions and inflammation

omeprazole - not too much different from pepto. If my horse has ulcers, why would I not treat it?

lidocaine - yep, got that one too. They tend not to like being stitched without it.

Not to mention, her "horses don't like to be stuffed in a trailer and should stay at home" comment is assanine. My horses like getting in the trailer and going places. It relieves boredom. We had our trailer open to do some spring cleaning. We went in the barn to get supplies and when we came back out, 4 horses were standing in the trailer. Hmmm wouldn't that prove that they enjoy the change in scenery?

Banner said...

Sadly, there are quite a few of these blogs...
tacky tack of the day
They are all fashioned after FHOTD...just using foul language and bitching about how everyone else knows nothing. And sadly, they all have fairly large followings. I guess that's what's popular...just running your mouth, being negative, and ripping on other people. It's really starting to wear on me. And it's not just in the horse world, it's everywhere. The internet makes people feel powerful. But unfortunately, just making noise doesn't get things changed, just like the Wenchster said. If these people are so upset by what they see out there, they'd be better off spending their time doing something productive that would actually get changes made instead of just spouting off to the masses via their computer. Any idiot can do that...especially in this day and age...and most of them do! I, personally, am wholly unimpressed.

MNaef said...


Glad you brought this one up. The blogger is a professional trainer (Crown-Korhel Equestrian Center) who disrespects her clients and their children on her blog.

She really didn't like it when I pointed out how unprofessional that was...

All those ranty BS blogs are good for the same reason FHOTD and this one are. About 25 minutes of entertainment. It's hard to keep ranting fresh.

Roxmysox said...

Been there, read that - next ?
Old news and no great insights. Just another misery-guts moaner.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't believe ihateyourhorse (posts as TrainerX on FHOTD) was ACTUALLY a trainer.
I am a university certified trainer (I won't use the term professional) and some of the stuff she says on there is so unbelieveably off base training-wise it just makes me cringe. I haven't been back to that site for awhile.
I won't even get into the way she talks about her clients.... ugh. Some "professional".
I honestly thought it was a 15 year old barn brat playing pretend.

MNaef said...

Heh. You should visit her website, comment on some of her jumping photos.

Most professional trainers that I know only post photos of themselves jumping WELL.

Anyway, she's in love with herself and has a loyal following of dingdongs. Like I said, entertaining.

I guess the part that irks me (slightly, don't everestimate the investment I have in that blog) is that she basically has my dream job. Working with ponies all day, instead of working all day to own ponies...and all she can do is whine. If you hate it that much, GET A REAL JOB.

I know, I know, all the trainers are going to come out and crucify me now. I know, it's hard work too...there are clients who are no fun, blah, blah, blah. Just the same, there's virtually no money in it so if you don't love horses, why are you there? Totally voluntary, since so many jobs are more lucrative. The successful trainers that I know (and like) all take this sort of guilty pleasure in their jobs and wonder how they got lucky enough to make a career out of it. Of course, not being a whiny uneducated COW helped them. maybe trainerx could take lessons.

Expect her to show up in 5 - 4 - 3...

MNaef said...

Anyway, on to the topic.

I'd like to turn this back on "Wenchster".

If you hate these blogs so much, why spend time creating THIS blog and maintaining it? I can assure you that harassing the blogspot legal department to have them removed would go a lot further to your cause. With blogs, it's out-of-sight out-of-mind. Get FHOTD out of sight, you'll be more effective.

The motivation that created THIS blog is the same as the motivation behind the Shame in the Show Ring blog.

Are you getting the point yet? You pretend to be different, but you're the SAME.

MNaef said...

You want to make a difference? Start with forming petitions, gather well informed and educated people. Compile evidence and head to a AQHA or other horse organization congress meeting. They are open for that purpose. Choose a spokes person that will provide an educated, well thought out, and provide ways to improve the organization.

And you accuse CATHY of being ignorant of show politics.

THE ONLY way to effect change in any of the major breed organizations is to affect their bottom line.

How to do that? You need to get a significant percentage of the BNTs on your side. They need to threaten to boycott events. That's about it. If the AQHA thought for ONE MINUTE that they'd lose the advertising and show revenue from, say, 10 of their biggest names...they'd change the policy faster than you can complete a keystroke.

Honestly. Don't pretend that the breed organizations respond to logic OR scientific fact. HYPP anyone? How about the HERDA response? SCID? A whole lot of scientific fact supported those petitions...change finally happened when the big names picked a side.

The horse show world IS political, nepotistic and fairly corrupt. Looking at the fact that much of the organization is volunteer AND has vested interest in the have to realize that they do not exist for the greater good.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS BLOG!!! It's awesome! And Sarcasta goes from blog to blog spouting off her Diarrhea and trying to be funny and oh so intellectual when she is actually pea green with envy over EVERYONE!! She just WHINES ALL THE TIME!! Plus if Sarcasta were oh so great and smart then you'd start your own blog and post pics of yourself riding!! WENCHSTER YOU kick ASS!!!

MNaef said...

Really Stephanie?

It appears you're cheating on your best buddy...she'd be so heartbroken.

Are you going to get GoLightly over here too so that the average IQ can drop even further?

Anonymous said...


MNaef said...

I know, right???!!!


The Wenchster said...

Honestly, jesus, I don't even have any words for you. Go bug someone else's blog if you hate me that much. You don't see me over on FHotD constantly commenting ignorantly.

The risk of HERDA has dropped since people became more educated about it and decided to test their horses. The more responsible breeders have stopped the breeding of HERDA H/H horses.
I'm tired of people like you that want to blame the horse associations for the entire horse industry. Yes, some of the organizations are jaded. But just like everything else, it is being worked out to make it better. Quit blaming the associations for over breeding and the HYPP and HERDA status of peoples horses. The breeders that continue to breed positive horses KNOW the risk and continue doing so. A whole organization can not be blamed for the actions of a thoughtless breeder. And AQHA has made steps in trying to quiet the HYPP status by refusing registration of any H/H horse. I'm sure APHA and ApHa will soon follow suit.
Reason why I'm not bugging blogspot to remove these peoples blogs- because it's freedom of speech. They have a right to their opinions just as I have a right to mine.
And for you to honestly think that the big wigs are going to quit showing and start boycotting is just crazy. These big wigs see no reason why they should be punished for the other bad apples in the horse industry. Their showing and promoting is what keeps them in business.
Reform comes from changing minds. And sadly people b**ching and moaning about how the horse industry is full of big, bad people isn't going to change a darn thing, including their minds. I have yet to see someone show up to the Amarillo QH meetings cussing and causing a big scene with loud words and profanity. I have however seen many people show up with well thought out speeches and theories that do make a change. Perhaps you should attend one of these meetings and see how grown-ups work things out, or attempt to work things out.

Anonymous said...

Wench Rocks!

Sarcast you have no clue!!! LOL Go spue somewhere else.

Horse 101 said...

AQHA'a annual committee is in San Antonio this year (March 6-9)if anyone is interested in speaking their mind. However, there are only a few open forums where general members can vote. I think the only open discussion meeting is the cloning presentation to determine if they are going to allow clones full registration status.

MNaef said...

AQHA'a annual committee is in San Antonio this year (March 6-9)if anyone is interested in speaking their mind. However, there are only a few open forums where general members can vote. I think the only open discussion meeting is the cloning presentation to determine if they are going to allow clones full registration status.

The AHA is very similar. The annual convention is open to select representatives who bring their local clubs' views to the vote on various resolutions.

That's how policy change happens. Generally the resolutions are proposed and accepted in closed session.

Hmm. Interesting, no?

Now, to get a resolution considered, it is correct that a professional presentation and a show of support is required.

Of all the whining on horse-related websites, I always wonder how active the whiners are in their breed and show associations. I, personally, am happy with most of AHA's policy. I support my local breed club and attend our events. My complaint is that halter horses are permitted to be shown in heavy shoes with (IMO) excessive padding. This is an idea that is gaining support, but before policy change can be made, it is felt by many that we need to get judges enforcing the policy already in place, which is that only performance horses may be heavy-shod and a halter horse may only be shown in heavy-shoes if it is also entered in performance events.

Please don't dictate to me on breed show politics, Ms. Wench. You're assuming a little too much. And, since your little blog exists to call out BS, shouldn't you appreciate someone calling out yours? When was the last resolution you proposed?

MNaef said...

I'm tired of people like you that want to blame the horse associations for the entire horse industry.

That's not what I'm doing, not at all.

If anything, you could say that I am blaming BNTs for the state of the horse industry...

You have to admit, AQHA's response to the threat of HYPP in their breeding population was sluggish at best. Yes, it is a past issue. They have now dealt with it. It is, however, still an excellent example of how the financial interests of their members contributed to the pain and suffering of many of the animals they exist to promote.

There are some things in the horse industry that ONLY the associations can change. One of those key things is the rules for exhibiting at their major events.

To pretend that the responsibility for responding to reports of cruelty at sanctioned shows lies with anyone BUT the associations...well, that smacks of cowardice to me.

Anonymous said...

Sarcasta are you ever going to get it through your thick dumb head that people do NOT like you??? Wenchster and people on this blog don't like you, people on FhOTD do not like you... Are you sadistic? You keep going to blogs where people really REALLY just can NOT stand you, spouting your BS and you get RIPPED EVERY time!!! You really are a glutton for punishment! You are the definition of insanity! You keep doing the SAME Stuff over and over again on different people's blogs and expect a different result EVERY time!!! There is NO other result tha YOU of all people will EVER receive!

MNaef said...

I know, right???!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD I LOVE IT!!!! I have hated that blog from day one!!! Actually, I do believe that there is a need for this type of blog, discussing the bad things that go on in the horse show world, making others aware, but I have to say that the Trojan Mouse bitch has missed the mark by a long shot. I, for instance, show AQHA horses, I don't approve of tail blocking and agree it should stop. However, in her comments regarding the subject she even pissed me off and had me against her! Can we say "Drama Queen?".

Also, does she mean "ApHC" or "APHA"?

Horse 101: I agree with your post 100%

Zephyrine Flycatcher said...

I think the problem with the blog is that it doesn't give the full perspective of what he/she is talking about. Often times it seems to focus on one thing, and goes at it by the throat.

Horse101 had good information on what the drugs are and do. However, these drugs shouldn't be abused in the show ring (and I am sure you all agree) and it is a shame they are. Performing under pain isn't exactly a great idea, but it is done with the help of these drugs.

But when used properly, they do wonders, it seems. I have bute on hand for my old horse that will occasionally pull his shoulder. That stuff relieves the pain and he can walk normally and recover without an issue.

Overall, I think the blog would be better with both sides of the equation, highlighting the good sides in unique ways to deviate it from the bad ones. A toned down snark would help, too. I think that some snip does make for a good blog, just not overdone.

roanhorse said...

Hey sarcasta...since you're so bent on packing an AK47 in your hip pocket and venting your miserable spleen at anyone who dares to disagree with you find another blog or group of people that are as dysfunctional as you are. There's a group for masochists somewhere. Keep looking. The Wench blog isn't for you.

With your nasty attitude, you're a waste of oxygen. You're certainly not qualified to make a judgmental remark on the WHYS of this blog. Your only MO is to be disruptive.

Do us a favor, take your delusional thoughts elsewhere.

roanhorse said...

"Please don't dictate to me on breed show politics, Ms. Wench. You're assuming a little too much. And, since your little blog exists to call out BS, shouldn't you appreciate someone calling out yours? When was the last resolution you proposed?"

And Ms. Sarcasta...where is the last resolution you proposed? Take your elitist attitude elsewhere. There isn't any bs in this blog or are you too much of a bumpkin to recognize it? Yup, you're "called" on your LACK of knowlege and your bullshit mouth.

Hopefully your mommie still loves you but I sincerely doubt that.

You want to spread your version of the "truth" then create your own blog and disappear. Shall we crown you "Miss Phony Baloney" of the day? You've earned it.

Anonymous said...

Horse 101,

What part of using those drugs in the show ring did you not get?

No one ever said that the drugs didn't serve a purpose, at home, where a horse can recover quietly.

They have no place in the show ring though. So if you think drugging a horse in order to show it is okay then obviously you're of the same metality as the owner of this blog and condone poor treatment of horses, while bitching and whining about the big bad blog owners.


roanhorse said...

Emily Dare babes...find yourself a masochistic blog, you'd be better served there than presenting your innane bullshit here. Perhaps a "gentlemen" with a whip would serve you better. And no doubt you'd feel better and be in a better mood. Leave your thumb up YOUR ass as no doubt he'd get a thrill out of that. You're welcome.

The Wenchster said...

This blog wasn't made to change the horse world or change Cathy or other blogs.
As I've stated previously, I have no problem people outing abusive horse owners or trainers or phony rescues. I do however have an issue when those people give inaccurate information, send their followers on a witch hunt, or say one thing and do another.

I have no reason to have my feelings hurt by any of these blogs. I simply state what I don't agree with or state when people give thwarted advice. Not everyone agrees with me and that's fine- I don't expect anyone to agree with everything 100% of time. But I try to put the information out there for those that want to listen, comment respectfully, and put their two cents in.
If you don't like that, fine- go else where and make a difference in the horse world yourself. You don't know me, you don't know what I've done in my life, so don't for one second assume that because I disagree with some misinformation that I'm pro animal abuse or agree with everything that goes on in the show world. I am however pro education and when someone gives some ill- informed medical assumptions or advice I AM going to speak up which is why Shame in the Horse World was featured. I've read through a little of SITHW blog and found tons of misinformation.

ShameintheHorseShowRing said...

Wench wrote:

>You want to make a difference? Start with forming petitions, gather well informed and educated people. Compile evidence and head to a AQHA or other horse organization congress meeting. They are open for that purpose. Choose a spokes person that will provide an educated, well thought out, and provide ways to improve the organization

Oh yeah, those petitions did so much, which is why we still have HYPP, HERDA, lip chains, anabolic steroids and corruption at every level of showing. Those petitions sure put an end to big lick showing and tail blocking. Wow, approaching the organizations have really done a good job, because of course all of these things no longer go on, right.

So tell me what have you done to improve the horse world? If you think bitching about me and Cathy has changed a thing, then think again.

How many horses have you actually helped rescued? I can name several that were saved because of Cathy's blog.
How many inhumane practices have you helped address? My blog caused the government of Iceland to re-evaluate how their horses are presented.

So enjoy you time whining about Cathy and me, we'll continue to laugh at you and help change the horse world for the better.


Anonymous said...

You are so smart. Man, if I were you, I would totally love having my innate ability to miss the point broadcast across the web.

So smart.


Anonymous said...

Aaaah, and here come the witches for the hunt. I'm glad I left the fugly following. It got ugly fast.

Anonymous said...

I agree bitching about the industry does nothing. You also forgot that most of the people who bitch about how horrible it is, actually aren't a PART of it so they really don't know. It's the English crowd, sticking their fingers in their ears and blaming the pleasure industry for everything wrong and trying to ignore the shit in THEIR industry.

Anonymous said...


In case you haven't guessed Sarcasta is CS2. It is obvious from the writing style. Just ignore the pea brain. BTW When I can get back to my normal computer I will sign back on as jsad.

Anonymous said...

Trojan Mouse:

Your blog sucks. It is 90% inaccurate. You aren't funny, clever, or intelligent.
I guess that's why you're so attracted to Cathy.
Lucky for you, anyone who follows on her heels will likely fall for your crap too. I'm sure you have a huge following.

I have one question... How do you all manage to type with your heads up her ass?
I guess that's why most of you miss the point here...hard to read properly from all the way in there.

The Wenchster said...

Trojan Mouse-
You want to know how many horse's I've helped in the past? You want to know how many SPCA court hearings I've shown up for? Probably more than you can imagine.
You don't think petitions work? What do you think compelled the slaughter houses to be shut down? You know why. It wasn't because one or two of these big wigs said so- it was because there were more or less over a million signatures for a petition saying they were anti-slaughter. I bet you and Cathy signed away on it!
You think your blogs make such a difference when the truth is THEY DON'T. Those horses probably would have still gotten saved just as a thousand others would have been to slaughter.
There are power in numbers and what is sad is that Cathy is in a position of power with as many readers and hits her site gets a day. She could be a voice of reason instead of a voice of battery. There is truth in the saying that you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinager. People will automatically get defensive when attacked- that's why there is a thing called constructive critisism. So you can point out mistakes and show how to fix them without bashing and berating.
Cathy could be doing so much more with her blog and I'm sure if she cut out the profanity and started back where her blog originally started which was educational she would get a more mature audiance that would TRY to resolve and try to make more of a difference other than posting nasty, profane comments on youtube or sending death threat and "you should die"
emails or harassing through phone calls.

Zephyrine Flycatcher said...

Guys, guys, this has become an argument. So you got 'Ebert and Roper'd' and your review wasn't that great. It hurts, yes, but not everyone is of the same mentality.

I do think the blog featured today does need a lot of work, and I think it's much meaner than it needs to be.

I agree that performance horses who need all the drugs to even do their job have no business in the ring, but I don't think a horse taking bute or needs one or two drugs to remain comfortable is another issue entirely. How many people feed for arthritis in horses who are perfectly sound? Do we condemn them, too? How dare they ride their horses?

It all depends on the level of work the horse does.

Tail/Nerve blockers should be a nono, I agree on that. That's a definite red flag in any animal.

I think you should present information from experience and research, as well as offer suggestion on what to do if these things are spotted at a show so they can be taken care of. Even if a member isn't a big wig, they can spread the w
ord and educate others. You can run an association without all the members, even with the remaining big-wigs.

LuvMyQH said...

The Wenchster said...
Cathy could be doing so much more with her blog and I'm sure if she cut out the profanity and started back where her blog originally started which was educational she would get a more mature audiance that would TRY to resolve and try to make more of a difference other than posting nasty, profane comments on youtube or sending death threat and "you should die"
emails or harassing through phone calls.

AND THAT is why I am here, supporting you. In black white, 100%, THAT is the reason.
She has gone so, so far from where she started and is now on some kind of wanna-be celebrity ego power trip all rolled into one. With the power she has, what she is doing makes me absolutely sick.
Guess what? I pick up AT LEAST one slaughter bound youngster and rehab/train them to rehome. Where's my cake and trophy?
So much more should be coming from that blog... so much more.

LuvMyQH said...

I pick a young horse up from "meat sales" once a month. If I had the funds it would be more.
Just want to clarify that before it gets jumped on.

The Wenchster said...

Kudos to you LuvmyQH! Every horse counts, even if it's just one. *Hands over cake and trophy*. Most people think that only the powerful people have loud voices when it comes to change- but if you have a bunch of people taking a stand, even that can drown out the voice of that ONE big wig.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog from Shame in the Horse Show Ring..and I can't decide if I like it or not.

I do agree with some of the points on it, but then other parts are severely hypocritical.

I like the Fugly blog. I used to like it a whole lot more and am now starting to become a little disenchanted with it, but I still read it every few days. The reason that I don't like it so much now is that she has basically left her original path of showing (and dare I say educating) people about "fugly", badly bred horses to publicizing sucky trainers and purple plaid saddles.

And there isn't anything wrong with letting people know about bad trainers and/or horse owners...but when that becomes your blog - then you aren't educating anymore, you're complaining.

I don't agree with everything that she says. If she says something I do not agree with and then follows up with a good argument for why so and so is wrong and bad, then I will research it, ask around, and sometimes discover that she was right. Other times she is still wrong.

She is a person just like the rest of us. She makes mistakes, has her issues, and can get carried away. She also helps out horses and rescues in the best way she can - through a blog that gets thousands of viewers per day.

I know squat about quarter horse conformation and even less about western pleasure, but from what I can see, her stallion is a very nice looking horse. He looks like he could work and do it well. As for being four or five or however old he is, so what? I would so much rather see an "older" horse in the show ring than a butt high two year old. Which I believe (again, know nothing about western) those pleasure classes have a lot of because of futurities.

Onto this post...I completely agree with Shame in the Horse Ring. If a horse has mild arthritis, go ahead and bute him. If a horse is foundering, keep him home.

I went to a show with a boarder and her trainer. The boarder (14 or 15 yr old) was showing one of here trainer's horses in a hunter over fences class. The fences were about 2'9-3 ft. The horse had just lost half of her hoof because the lazy trainer didn't want to call the vet out to get rid of a GIANT abscess. The horse was pretty much crippled without her (over)dosage of bute...but the trainer still had the girl show the horse over fences. This is what I don't agree with - masking an injury and, in turn, hurting the horse even more.

Drugs are fine at home to help the horse with a comfortable recovery; they should NOT be used in shows to hide a problem from the judges. If your horse can't perform in a show without painkillers, you should fix up your horse before trying to show it.

I don't like ihateyourhorse because her grammar makes my head hurt and I read blogs to learn from them - and I cannot see myself learning too much from that blog.

I do not see what is wrong with tacky tack of the day. I personally don't read it because I don't care that people put tiger striped dressage saddles on their horses...but if someone wants to start a blog about it, who cares? The only people who will read it are the ones who want to read about overly glittery browbands.

Lastly, it isn't fair to fault these people for having "minions". They didn't ask for them; all they did was start a blog that people liked and became popular. They cannot be held responsible for what these people that they have never met say or do. You look to already have acquired a small flock of minions yourself. Did you ask for them? Do you ask them to defend you (in sometimes ridiculous ways)? No. You started a blog, they agreed with you, and now you have people on your side. However radical they choose to get is their decision, not yours, not Fugly's, not any of the other blogger's.

By the did a post in January about an overly muscled halter horse..You have seen nothing until you look at this unfortunate thing!

Can we say ridiculously huge? And NH HYPP to boot!

Just noticed he died recently...Wonder what from? Couldn't have been from being such an obese hippopotamus, I'm sure...

The Wenchster said...

JJ- I've seen worse than that- sadly.

I do not fault either for having their minions on anything other than the fact that they seem to entice them to doing the dirty work by posting to much information. I have an issue when they post personal address's and phone numbers and basically say, "Sic'em!"
I too, and from what I gather- most everyone here also doesn't agree with drugging to mask injury during shows/competition.
I don't have issue with Tacky Tack- never said I do. I do however not care for Shame or I hate your horse. I do not care for Shame's rabid opinions on everyone in horse organizations and the her opinions about stock horses. I couldn't even get through I hate your horse. The bright red killed my eyes. I can say that I hate your blog does not use as much profanity as some of the others which does make it a bit easier to make it through. But it's mostly old information.
You are right though- more power to Cathy if she can help horses. I'm not saying she's wrong for doing so. I would probably start reading FHotD if she did more conformation(non bashing and not giving out owner information), rescue horses, and educating others about how to care for horses properly and give examples of how NOT to treat and care for horses properly(again with not bashing and not giving out owner information).
Thanks JJ for posting your thoughts and opinions. They are appreciated. Everyones thoughts are appreciated.

seaview said...

roanhorse-your responses to sarca and emily were excellent. You are now my hero :-)

*bowing to roanhorse*

ShameintheHorseShowRing said...


You are the epitome of an ass kiss.


It's obvious you have your stupid minions as well, see the above person.

And before you get too rabid you need to remember that you decided to open this can of worms by dissing me, when I'm merely exercising my First Amendment right to talk about what assholes horse abusers are.
I cannot help it if your readers do not get the fact I'm talking about drug abuse, not drug therapy. There is a huge difference.
I suspect from your rant about Cathy the main problem you have is jealousy. You simply crave the attention she has garnered. It's apparent in every word you write. If you want that kind of attention then do something to merit it, because sitting here as queen of this viper's nest just makes you look like a bitter whiner. The blog is actually about another person. It serves no more purpose than a Hannah Montana fan site and merely puts you in the stalker catagory. Your existance on blogger is governed by Cathy's existance. Without her, this blog is nothing. You'd have to find someone else to bitch and whine about.

I prefer not to dictate my life by someone else's existance. My blog encompasses an entire industry and to work on chaing it. Your blog can't even change people's opinion. And while I disagree with Cathy about a lot of things, I have to say that her point about begger rescues is very valid. And her methods, while extreme, do produce a lot more results than the hearts and unicorns crowd.

What has your blog accomplished, other than taking up web space?


bhm said...

Trojan Mouse/Jean,
Good response. Keep up the good work on your blog

Anonymous said...

Oh god, please don't request that Ugly do more conformation posts. She sucks. Oh okay, I guess she can trot out some TB's. But heaven forbid don't let her try to tell people what they should be looking for in a stock horse. If she thinks they should all look like her stallion, ewwww. That horse wouldn't last a week doing a real job.

We all know her rabid dislike of foundation bred QHs. It's like she cannot comprehend that there is such a thing as an ugly TB or a good looking foundation bred horse. I'm sure the truth be told she is incapable of riding well enough to hand onto anything that can actually move and be athletic. Did you guys see the picture of her riding that Arabian? OMG-was that the funniest thing ever?? Of course the excuse was that it was the first time riding the horse. Ummmm, SO??

Mostly I have a problem with the commentors though. Most of them are so apparent in their total lack of knowledge. Oh and just try to explain anything to them. Not gonna happen. Because Cathy will never admit to being wrong, her hordes are not going to admit to being wrong either.

So call em like you see em and lets have some fun making fun of the people who make fun of everyone else. LMAO-that totally made no sense, but you get the drift.

And whats this I hear that going to her site makes her money? Just by going or do you have to click on one of those obnoxious ads? God those things are annoying.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter how many names CS2, Sarcasta, Trojan Mouse or what ever she wants to call herself this hour uses. I can spot her now. Again ignore the pea brain.

MNaef said...

And whats this I hear that going to her site makes her money? Just by going or do you have to click on one of those obnoxious ads? God those things are annoying.

Going to her site generates revenue from the advertisers. Any hits their sites get from FHOTD generates more. I don't like how the ads are placed, I do like how the promote responsible rescue. Cathy will bend over backward to personally help you rescue a horse (personal experience of mine), so I think promoting quality rescues is doing a good thing. Readers of her blog would be more likely to pursue a rescue, I think, if they know she's checked it out.


You sound like you could actually keep it together for a critique of the VLC. Care to give one? I am curious about the specific ways he is unsuitable for the breed show ring. I've read a few other critique attempts, but they degrade quickly into calling him ugly and a POS. He's a fairly correct horse, and handsome IMHO. That's not to say I know what you need in the AQHA ring. To start, I think there is something odd about his neck, and his feet are teeny. Then again, Cathy said that about him, so it's not exactly a revelation.


For detective anonymous there, this is the only name I use on blogger. There are a few other sarcastabitches on here as well, I'm not the realtor or the American student :) I have no blog, it would be hopelessly dull.

Anonymous said...

Different ads are different but the fee from those types of ads is determined by the number of visitors the site has. The more visitors the more money the advertisers are willing to pay. It makes more money if they click on it but the banner rate is set by the number of visitors.

As for your identity. Yeah right. I look at writing styles not make believe profiles. Call it a professional habit if you wish.

bucky said...

I do agree that chemical or surgical use on animals to help them in a show ring is wrong. No doubt that abuse of that nature should mean immediate termination of the animal OR the persons involved must donate 200 hours of community service plus a Two thousand dollar fine AND their name is to be announced on the channel 6 news for one week for their actions.
If that is already a law or close to it, maybe they should enforce the dang thing!

My friend has a Saddlebred that had her tail 'blocked'. It now wings over to one side and looks deformed. So sad.

I seen a TWH show for the first time ever. I was horrified at what I seen. It was obvious that the stacked horses were in serious pain. The TWH's that were not stacked were very nice and easy but none placed. Why? Even when the TWH's were unstacked they gaited severely and had labored breathing. All of the pained TWHs placed.
The non-stacked riders commented "I don't even know why I showed. Those types of abusers always win."

Now, as for the two blog sites:
FHoTD and the other one just metioned, they both are great for info that is not opinionated. If it is solid info that they acquired from a solid source, it's wonderful!
When it's an opinion that is also great as everyone should have an opinion and be able to express it! That is the horse community, SHARE experiences and thoughts that way everyone has a chance to learn and educate themselves and others.

When someone puts their opinion out there as if it's rule or FACT when it's only opinion and then retaliate when others disagree by saying 'you liar' instead of saying "I disagree" then there are issues.
Calling one person a POS for doing one particular thing and then your friend does the same thing but you support them is hypocritical.
The other issue is that when the posters tells everyone to not do something (not saying its an opinion of theirs with no resources of a DVM to back it up) because it's abuse when it's in fact, in the veterinary world, the one thing that keeps our animals healthy is a form of abuse in itself (In MY opinion).

Then it's all of the vulgar language. There is a time and place for that and most of the time that language shows the persons education and upbringing and alot of times area.
It generates anger towards the people themselves and breeds hate and anger towards ANYONE that wants to express and opinion that is different than the one with the trash mouth. name calling (I don't even think I ever called the VLC a name..I just did a confo critique. I have no clue who he is)

I'm sick of the nastiness and just read now. If it's name calling and junk I go on to the next.

I like that Cathy is interested in helping rescues and I am happy that Jean (?) is helping the show community (helping or do you just blog? I didn't really get into your blog too much. The language made me leave)
I think it's great.
I also think it's great that Wenchster here is showing that even though there are people out there trying to do good, they get mean and nasty and sometimes FOOL others by pretending they know more than they do.

That's my take

blank said...

Interesting blog. I'll give it a try. I have been put off by stuff that goes on there. I don't like making a point by ridiculing and mocking people and no matter what she says, I think when you put people on the defense you really can hurt more than help the horses involved. I also see the double standard with the rescue stuff. I think it was ok to give Champ a dignified death (agree he suffered and went on too long), but then hey, back off when someone else feels strongly about saving another horse in spite of the odds. She starts a blog and is all of the sudden the self appointed expert on everything.

When someone takes it upon him or herself to out people as seen fit, it starts to get the feel of a witch hunt. Kind of creepy, really. Also all of the regulars trying to top each other when making fun of someone to get her attention. It's just, silly.

Saracasta: every time your name pops up on some blog I'm curious about, you are there to challenge everyone. I mean, if you so completely disagree, say your bit and leave already. It's a big world and internet. Find a place you can relate to. You aren't going to change the way people think or do anything and no one really cares at all what your personal take is on every little thing. You might get enjoyment out of being a bitch, but to everyone else it gets so darn boring.

Anonymous said...


Poor guys, i wish they would get away from drugging them for muscles! Damn 'roids.

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Well, if you guys are thinking that Sarcastabitch and the anonymous poster who asked about the $$ for fugly for visiting her site are the same...your wrong. So much for a career as a comparative styles detective.

I wrote that and blogger was being slow and kept kicking it back to me, so I finally clicked on anonymous to get it to go through.

Alright so Sarcasta asked me what I didn't like about the VLC and just to be sure that I remembered everything I thought I did, I went back and looked over the posted pics of the VLC...the ones clearly labeled as VLC. I don't think the one used to compare the two buckskins is the VLC. I think that is one of her mares.
I am just going to tell you what I *see* in the photos presented of him. The point is not to rip him to shreds, but rather to point out the reasons I don't think he will be very successful in the WP ring and most certainly would not last working for a living...

He is long in the back. That in itself is not necessarily *evil* in my book. Because I have a few horses that a rather long in the back themselves. I am much more interested in how well a horse will break in the loin. So a horse that is long-backed but can break in the loin really well is okie-dokie in my book.

The set of his hocks. I am a bit undecided in this department. There are pictures of him where his hock set looks decent and he is reaching up underneath himself as he strides and then there are pictures where he is not driving deep up underneath himself. Also, if you notice, his hock is often well behind him as he strides. That indicates to me that he has a tendency to get strung out behind...not something you will see a GOOD WP horse do. These days, a lot is judged on that hind leg.

His tail set is high. That is not so much a conformation fault as it is a cosmetic thing...BUT, when you couple a horse with a long back, a high tail set and a hock that drags behind usually have a horse that doesn't break really well in the loin and likes to get strung out behind.
**Wasn't there something about the VLC having sore stifles? Yep-a good indication of a horse that does not properly break in the loin and drive up underneath of himself. They pull those stifle muscles because they are dragging their hind toes waaayyyyy out behind. The movement can be cleaned up to a certain degree, but he will never look as pretty as a horse that just naturally lifts in the back and drives deep with his hock.

His front legs from the knee down!! Have any of you noticed that he has a very nice V, but that his knees look bowed out? When he walks he looks bow-legged. There are a couple pictures that show that and one in particular that really shows how base narrow he travels. You can see from the way his foot is just about to hit the ground that most of the impact is on the outside of the hoof.
The VLC is not going to age well in those front legs. All that weight, on tiny feet and with the way he travels? He is going to have problems. Also, his profile pictures do not really indicate that he travels very flat in the knee either. Another knock against him in the WP classes. I can't say that I think he will come out of most of that, because of his bowleggedness. He is a horse that literally has to pick that foot up and swing it forward to set it down. A GOOD WP horse doesn't have to put that much effort into it.

I am not crazy about his neck. For a 4y/o stallion it is pretty thick. Obviously that can be cosmetically fixed by sweating it. Most show stallions live in their neck sweats. Still, it is pretty coarse for a 4y/o and it is not going to get any prettier with age.
He looks like he ties in rather coarsely too. That deep tie-in seems to be favorable for WP horses-noteably the Zip's Chocolate Chip horses. The issue that irritates me is that she is constantly beleaguring horses on her FOTD blog for having the same "nest.

Sorry about the length...I tried to keep it sycinct, but don't like to list a *fault* without giving a reason of why I consider it a fault. Vestiges of my judging days-LOL.

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Oh geez-the first paragraph was supposed to be a funny...Sorry, I left out the smily face and LOL.

LMAO...Word verification=surcus. Yep, that is definitely what the ugly blog is!!

seaview said...

trojan condom rodent:
I would techinally be roanhorse'sminion as I was complimenting RH on her responses to you and sarca. right?
That would mean YOU'RE the stupid one, right?

roanhorse said...

Seaview, you rock...don't you know the Trojan rodent is from Australia? Maybe rotten kangaroo meat rotted out that "brain" and nasty mouth.

With all the fires down there wouldn't you think that person would concern themselves with their own horses and or friends and neighbors welfare instead of pulling these hystrionics on this blog??? Amazing.

roanhorse said...

Just a quick comment on the stud of Cathys. He's no halter horse nor will he make a good performance halter horse. Lacks refinement and muscling where he needs it...just my take...have been in the center of the pen a bunch of times with AQHA judges as a steward and this guy couldn't hold his own. Too many good ones out there. Question: Does Cathy even know how to feed and condition a halter horse? Not from what I've seen.

Horseshooter said...

>>You are right though- more power to Cathy if she can help horses. I'm not saying she's wrong for doing so. I would probably start reading FHotD if she did more conformation(non bashing and not giving out owner information), rescue horses, and educating others about how to care for horses properly and give examples of how NOT to treat and care for horses properly(again with not bashing and not giving out owner information).
Thanks JJ for posting your thoughts and opinions. They are appreciated. Everyones thoughts are appreciated.<<

Wow! Positive words. But the overall tone here is so derisive and ugly that I won't be back. So much negativity is not good for us humans that are trying to evolve. I'm not crazy about the stream of cussing on FHOTD either, and scroll quickly thru the posters who want to make uninformed personal attacks, and certainly as an uncensored blog there are particular people who I completely disrespect and ignore. There's enough "good things" for horses brought out over there that I will continue to mostly lurk--our passion for the horses incites strong feelings, for sure.

roanhorse said...

Well, back to the "Shame" blog and upon re reading that she/he/it would have us believe that 100 percent of the horses in the show pen are on drugs other than those legally (key word)prescribed by their vets and accepted as "ok" by the respective breed organizations. Apparently there are an entire group of street corner drug hustlers who pass out drugs like candy to any exhibitor/trainer/owner that requests them.

You'd best take what this "Shame" person has stated at face value to be the god's truth. Amazing the number of dolts who don't question this individual's motivations. I also love the number of people she/he/it has "outed" in the quest to bring shame to them.

Sooner or later, libel/slander issues will raise it's ugly head as this nasty individual continues
to rag on them and the show industry in general. Hopefully all breed organizations have drug policies/enforcements in place and acts upon them. If the concerns of "Shame" were of the individuals operating in a cloaked environment distributing drugs illegally I could understand some of the motivation...however, this individual craps on any and all breeds, and or organizations. To read this one would think no one is doing ANYTHING to correct the situation.

I certainly question the motivation here. The individual has nothing but nasty comments for the show industry and the participants. Would this be a PETA member..?? Does make me wonder. The obsessive behavior and comments are far from normal.