Snarky commentary on the breeding of a poor quality woman, her silly and abusive teaching techniques and pretty much anything else that annoys me about her! Your UNCENSORED place to vent about this woman being in the horse world!

Fugly Wench of the Day

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This is a philosophical blog about.....oh, screw it!!! This blog is dedicated to calling Cathy, the FHotD writer, out on her bull sh*t!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Cathy, Exhibit A!

A while back someone asked where Cathy had pointed in the way of harassment by giving to much information- and today's post is the perfect example. How on earth does Cathy think that by giving out a Judges telephone number over an abuse case, how does she expect it to be a civil telephone call? Has she not read anything half the folks that post comments in her own blog?

Time served, my you-know-what! Please call Judge Uhrig at 360-676-6747. It should go without saying that polite, succinct and profanity-free is the way to make your point. To me, the most important point is that someone who will slash the throat of a puppy is awfully close to the line of doing just that to a human being. That shows a level of depravity far beyond hoarding and starving animals (which is bad enough!)

Sorry Cathy, I know I wouldn't mind seeing these animal abusers locked up. But with as many heartless murderers, rapists, and child abusers there are in the US- you can not expect jails and prisons to be able to hold them all. So it's either let out the rapist/serial killer or let out the animal abuser. Take your pick Cathy! Mine is to keep the rapist/serial killer locked up.
And honestly, do you think that those that actually have no brain and do call are going to refrain from profanity? And speaking from experience of my ex husband being a small claims judge- judges don't like when they are told how to do their job, when to do their job, and how to prosecute criminals. If that were the case I'd be calling up every judge in the state of Florida and telling them to put Casey Anthony on death row.


Horse 101 said...

I was shocked when I saw that too.
I've often wondered how many judges, prosecutors, etc... are pissed off at her for bringing the wrath of the fuglyites.I can't imagine it's very productive.

Not to mention the times she had to plead with her readers to refrain from blasting someone until a third party "bought" the horse in question. She must be on a massive power trip.

roanhorse said...

FWOTDay...Just more of Cathy's bullshit....apparently she really believes by clogging up the Judge's telephone line he'll make a note of her bad behavior and roll over....not an ice cube's chance in hell. She might express her dislike of the Judge's opinion and the Judge to the AG's office or the state bar association but she'll discover she's just another cockroach in the lowlife crowd with her foul mouth....I'm assuming she has spent so much time in the sewer that she's unable to stand upright and speak with a civil tongue.

Her self appointed omnipotence is appalling. Sadly she can't crank her delusional self back to reality. Possibly a wave of her magic wand will do it!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG YOU'RE SITE RULES!! Thank you for exposing the truth!

Horse 101 said...

Don't you know? Judges all over the country call Cathy before they make decisions. She has that much internet celebrity-tude. (dripping sarcasm).

lazytrainer said...

I'm not quite sure how productive it would be for a judge to get 1000 random phonecalls (all of which are taking up his time) from people who aren't even involved in the case. I honestly think it would hurt, if anything. I never liked how she would showcase personal information out for all of her 1000+ hits a day to see and possibly act on. If I was the judge, I'd be annoyed as hell and it personally wouldn't sway me in the direction of my harrassers.

You bet your ass that she'll be gloating if the judge does, in fact, throw the book at them. As if she would have any real influence over his decision...

roanhorse said...

HORSE 101....LMAO!!!!

Sadly, the deal is unless punishments and fines are increased on these animal abusers nothing will change in terms of possible remains the same. She'd be further ahead getting laws changed rather than flapping her jaw at the Judge who has the unfortunate happenstance of being subjected to her madness. There are cockroaches everywhere!!

Yes, the story made me sick...I cannot begin to imagine the mindset of an individual who would do this to a puppy, a foal, a kitten, a horse, dog, cat etc....all we can do is what we do by being observant, volunteering some hours at the local humane society, or a rescue group or providing shelter or fostering those animals in desperate need of a loving hand, food, and shelter.

Horse 101 said...

It makes much more sense to change it on a personal level and encourage others to help the animals already in shelters rather than calling for the heads of people all over the PNW.

Anonymous said...

She gloats all the damn time!!

roanhorse said...

Horse 101..."calling for heads of people all over the PNW" ...just what a simple cockroach does ... without taking it to where it change laws, amend laws, contact your legislators, senators, get your grass roots support going....not the would be too much work. And, she'd have to think.

Roxmysox said...

Not sure how it works over there but here the judge doesn't exactly have free rein over the sentence anyway, there's a set of pre determined parameters that he/she has to work within. It is the job of the clerk of the court to ensure that the judge is aware of these parameters.
If the judge has sentenced up to the limit of the allowance then any number of phone calls is besides the point anyway.
I think Fugs may be running the risk of getting herself prosecuted for conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and having her blog held up as evidence...........

roanhorse said...

"Roxs"...THAT would just make my day!!!! God...a public thrashing,(rubs my hands together)throwing the cockroach in stocks while passersby throw rocks at her....why not...they did that at the witch trials ya know!!!!

Where can I sign up?..

Horse 101 said...

She's bound to piss off the wrong person eventually. Especially by throwing around the fact that she's a legal secretary and claims to know everything about the law.

roanhorse said...

Horse 101...can you begin to imagine having the Fugly as a legal assistant or paralegal...where the hell does she find the time to clog up the internet with her manure? Most attorneys I worked for had professional people working for them, with a few manners thrown in..not a cranked up mouth.

Zephyrine Flycatcher said...

I can't wait until she gets nailed for harassment from the judge. Some paralegal. Piss poor and can't see a harassment case 3 steps in front of her.

LuvMyQH said...

She KNOWS her sheep are going to call and be about as mature as they are on her blog comments (ha-ha, right?).
She KNOWS she might get into trouble for harrassing (sorry honey but that is exactly what it is) this judge, that judge, and any judge in the future.
That is why she does her speel of "Now kiddies play nice, no swearing when you call him!" so that if it comes back in her face, or someone questions it she can go "I told them not to be rude, I can't control what people do! I'm innocent! Save the TB's in the PNW!!!"
She is SUCH a con artist. She would throw every single one of her faithful sheep under the bus in the blink of an eye.

The Wenchster said...

LuvmyQH said-
"I told them not to be rude, I can't control what people do! I'm innocent! Save the TB's in the PNW!!!"

LMAO! Sad thing is I could totally see her saying that.

trainingemmy said...

The whole legal secretary, free speech, legal expert thing makes me laugh. She really does think she's beyond the reach of law, and she often implies that the lawyers she works for give her legal advice. I wonder if that's true.

Wenchster, thank you so much for highlighting FHOTD's post today. I am sworn off the blog, but I did (I admit) take one quick peek this afternoon, and my jaw fell open when I saw that she had posted a judge's phone number. My first reaction: "OMG!!! That's really not smart." There are, as other people have so rightly pointed out, so many other ways to change the system, but those would take time and effort, no?

trainingemmy said...

Deeply OT: I may be moving my two horses from the Midwest to upstate New York later this year. Can anyone recommend a good, safe, reliable shipping company?

The Wenchster said...

Because there may or may not be things you are looking for I suggest you go to this website.

You can pick through tons of reputable shippers and even view their shipping standards.

Personally, I've used Nedpoint quite a few times and have had many other friends use them. But everyones wants and needs are different.

trainingemmy said...

Thanks Wenchster! That site is so awesome. My husband will spend hours pouring over it, no doubt. :-) I've never shipped long distance, but we agreed we don't want to try to haul them ourselves. The trip is too long and arduous, and we're too inexperienced.

On another note, my god, it's so nice to take part in reasonable, adult discourse. Even when people disagree here, the discussion tends to be so easy-going and so profanity-free--an actual exchange of ideas instead of spitting rage-filled rants.

LuvMyQH said...


Isn't it amazing?
The maturity difference between "us" and "them" sure is clear and says a lot for the intelligence level of anyone who is still over there falling for her crap and asking for more.

Krystle said...

Is giving out personal information really nessecary?

I know if I was the judge recieveing random phone calls about the same subject I would be VERY annoyed.

apocalypsepony said...

Hello. I found this blog form a thread on Horseville. Interesting stuff here.

In response to:

LuvMyQH said...


Isn't it amazing?
The maturity difference between "us" and "them" sure is clear and says a lot for the intelligence level of anyone who is still over there falling for her crap and asking for more.

Quite frankly, when I first started reading FHOTD (quite some time ago) the comments were very much intelligent discussions. If the comments reached over 100 it was unusual. But as the popularity grew, so did the venom, and, dare I say, meanness.

I rarely read the blog much. I almost never post anymore, much less read 300+ comments that start out as juvenile "First!!!" and then run the gamut of name calling and personal attacks.

I think what started out as "snark" has devolved into meanness, and I don't care for that.

I like "snark" OK, but I'm not a fan of being mean because you can, and you feel yo are more right than someone else. There is a difference between attacking ignorance and attacking individuals. I'm for pointing out ignorance, and against making it a personal attack.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if she has crossed the line this time by posting a judge's phone number. I know she always says she can't be sued, bring it on and all that sort of stuff, wonder what would happen if someone actually did?

LuvMyQH said...

apocalypsepony said...

You're right. I remember those times.
It seems as the maturity and intelligence of the blog went down, so did the commenters'. Hmm.

Zephyrine Flycatcher said...

"I wonder if she has crossed the line this time by posting a judge's phone number. I know she always says she can't be sued, bring it on and all that sort of stuff, wonder what would happen if someone actually did?"

Blogger says under court order they can remove these sorts of things. Problem is, she's skipped straight to a person working in the court *headdesk*

I'd personally shoot him an e-mail to tell him about her posting his number about this subject, as I am sure he is getting random calls. Really, a judges time is better spent deliberating on what to do and sorting out the matters.

Anonymous said...

CinammonSwirl said...

I'd personally shoot him an e-mail to tell him about her posting his number about this subject, as I am sure he is getting random calls.

I think that sounds like a good thing to do. I also think only ONE person should do it, though. He doesn't need five dozen random calls and 5 dozen random emails.

apocalypsepony said...

Well, LuvMyQH, most people are followers by nature, I think. If there is name calling and personal attacks they just continue on that path. Seems to be a big part of human nature. That, and it seems that a lot of people that are regular posters in the comments now are less informed about horses and fully informed on the criticism. I don't know what the answer is. If you are trying to educate people you are of course going to attract less educated people that think their knowledge is greater than it is, in fact. I think that's where I disagree with the direction the FHOTD blog has taken. Instead of educating the mass following she has achieved, she seems to be inciting it. I think that is not only a wasted opportunity, but also doesn't serve the horses. And supposedly the whole thing is/was about the horses. I used to believe it was about the horses. But lately it does appear to be more about the person writing the blog.

I've got no problem with anyone making money off their blog. Good deal if you can do it. But I do have a problem with hypocrisy, and I do see some of that. And it's gotten to be more and more. So I vote with my feet I guess and just don't go there much now.

I don't think it's cool to incite people, that have proven themselves to be careless in their communications (to say the least), to be phoning a Judge to complain about a sentence he imposed. Write a letter to the editor of the Judge's local paper, but phone calls from a random people with few facts from across the country is unlikely to be effective and very likely to get one labeled as a crank. I guess it just depends on whether you want to be popular or effective.

Roxmysox said...

As for the actual prison sentences - pah don't start me. It's supposed to be a punishment and incentive to stick within the law - how come these people end up having a better living conditions than some of the ones on the outside ?

Anonymous said...

So who is going to email the judge to let him know why he is all of a sudden receiving all these phonecalls to his office?

Horse 101 said...

Honestly, he probably already knows. After the nth phone call I'm sure he asked where they were getting their info from.
THat's to say, if the calls even made it past his seceratary or clerk.
I think one of the earlier posters is right. He has guidelines as to what he can do with punishment. He can only do what the statutes and precedence allow. Not even Cathy the internet goddess can change that.
BTW, I wonder if Cathy's boss knows she spends a good part of her day on the internet claiming they will back her up?

Zephyrine Flycatcher said...

OK, no really, do you really find yourself cute? Do you find trying to copy me in every way the perfect thing to do? How about you...

A. Get a life
B. Get some balls and give yourself a unique name

Zephyrine Flycatcher said...

I also tried to find an e-mail via the number and name, and I didn't find anything. :/ I'm not calling long distance (and I'm sure he/she wants them to stop by now) and I refuse to visit FBotD to get more info. I'm not letting her suck up money like a media outlet. She is no Perez. There's a huge difference between them and their morals. Gods, wouldn't it be grand to get her boss at her job? Maybe that would whip her into shape.

Anonymous said...

lol!! By deleting all my comments, now it's going to look like your kooky posters (CS and Bucky) are talking about an imaginary friend.
I guess those are better than no friends though.

Anonymous said...

CS2~ Grow up! No it doesn't look like they are talking to themselves, everyone knows it was some little person tring to stir crap. LOL How old are you?? LOL LOL Your just for good laughs that is IT!!!! LOL

bucky said...

Here is a link that has many transports and you can get an estimate from all in one click:

I'm thinking sending the court that this judge works in a little email with a link to FHoTD. That'd be interesting.

Horse 101 said...

Don't use out of Iowa.

Anonymous said...

What is the VLC's reg. Name????

Roxmysox said...

Big Yellow Caddi

Zephyrine Flycatcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zephyrine Flycatcher said...

You have until midnight to take your picture off with proof. If it is not removed by then, you will be forced via the government under punishable law.

Zephyrine Flycatcher said...

Thank you, Wench (awkward statement if there ever was.) Deleting her comments has been the best day ever. Normally I'm all up for keeping this stuff up, but she was causing too much a fuss (especially for me, as she was trolling me and I couldn't do a thing, then she stole my art, but I digress...)

I don't know what to do to find this judge's e-mail. If anyone has some good ideas, I'd go for it.

Also, having got acquainted with Blogger's rules, they have the "We just own the place, we have nothing to do with the people in it" attitude. Unless a lawsuit is in the balance, I don't think they'd do jack about having a number up and encouraging people to call this poor person. :/

Whomever posted up those journalism/blogger tidbits was spot on. Sadly, I've come to realize it IS too grey an area and worst yet, no one can do anything about it.

Roxmysox said...

Not totally sure if I'm doing the right thing here but this address was on the FHoTD comments section - supposedly for the judge.....

Judge Ira Uhrig

Don't blame me if it's wrong :-P

ezra_pandora said...

Hey there, I've just been lurking a little here and there. I do that :) I don't agree with what she posted on her website (the judge's #), and when I tried looking up emails (as someone said earlier to warn the judge, I was just curious what I could find), the email that Rox posted is just a confirmation email. I too am a paralegal and around here, the courts don't really have emails for the public to just write into for any little thing. You pretty much have to have some sort of connection or be in the legal field. That email was just a confirmations email, so anyone who got the email isn't someone who could do anything. Really the best thing is to just let it die, and it will. I'm sure if any of the posters are calling in, the court will know something is up, the judge won't be getting the calls and the callers will pretty much just be smiled and nodded to, if that's possible through a phone :) As someone else said earlier, the best thing to do is to focus on trying to get the law changed instead of a million calls to someone who isn't going to get it. But to each his own I suppose :)

Roxmysox said...

Exactly so - I really don't think that any of it will get to the judge himself. Just his secretary or whatever unfortunate person gets to sort his emails out for him.

Horse 101 said...

Hey Wenchster,
More fodder on the fugs page.
Cathy is getting tired of people emailing her with "rescue drama". Guess she hasn't figured out yet that her blog has turned into a rescue page.
She also gives tips for defending yourself without getting blasted back. It actually doesn't even sound like her.

The Wenchster said...

Horse 101-

She doesn't care about other rescue drama unless it has to do with Dean or Sam or one of her precious PNW recues. I have a feeling she was "had" by either one or both Sam and Dean.

Also another reason may be is that she wants the recognition of being the first to out the big bad rescue.

Anonymous said...

I liked her comment on how she wouldn't post about it if "she didn't feel it was worthy".

Zephyrine Flycatcher said...

Not post it if it wasn't worthy? I'm sure we could name a few worthy posts to fill her time, that's for sure. If she'd cease to money whore, go back to the old days, and just stop being such a drama queen, she'd probably get a good chunk of her followers back.

I noticed things started to get really bad around the time she dropped her 'net franchise' name from the online message boards. I have to wonder if she was seeking a more uniform/conformed opinion on everything she said before descending into the current chaos.

As for rescue drama, having Champ was rescue drama in itself. That poor horse needed to be euthed, and not a single person (if any, I never read through all of it) said anything about just putting him down. Instead of following her own advice for a suffering horse, she just took the well wishes and donations.

Perhaps FBotD needs to write about who is behind the blog and what is going on that makes her the great horse guru. She said she wants to be Perez, well she needs to get with the program and realize that if that is the status she wants, she'll have her share of stalkers and outers to take her down.

MNaef said...


I'm not sure that Fugly's blog incited anyone ADDITIONAL to call the judge...crazies come out for every animal abuse case, in every jurisdiction. Maybe generated a few more phone calls, but I doubt it would have made a dent. I know a judge and a Criminal Defense attorney. Animal rights cases are one of the most dreaded. You think the fuglyites are ain't seen/heard nothing.

This blog is interesting. How am I not surprised that it is written by a disgruntled FQH breeder? If someone actually posted an opinion blog who DIDN'T have a vested interest/agenda I'd be inclined to take it more seriously. Fugly has an agenda, that's never been kept quiet and so does Wenchster. Keep breeding those FQHs everyone!

The Wenchster said...

Go leave comments elsewhere. Honestly, you make no sense. Do you even know where the bloodlines of today came from- yes that's right...those pretty FQH that you and Cathy seem to like bashing. Now I'm wondering if you're just angry with me because my head isn't stuck up Cathy's @$$(sorry it can't fit in there with yours so far up it) or are you just jealous that I have quality horses?
BTW- my barn isn't only full of FQH but also a lot of Smart Little Lenas, Hollywood Dun It's, and Shining Spark offspring- you want to say something about that too?

And yeah- Cathy said, "Give him a call" in her blog. Really, when are Cathy's swuglyites going to read BOTH blogs thoroughly before commenting? The only agenda I have here is showing Cathy's hypocrisy! Read thorougly or don't comment.

MNaef said...

those pretty FQH that you and Cathy seem to like bashing

I don't believe that I have "bashed" FQHs anywhere.

Yes, FHOTD recommended that people call. My point is that the type of people who phone judges are the type of wacked out crazies that call ANYWAY.

I didn't say I was angry with you, I am sorry if you got that impression. I just said that you had an agenda. Which you do.

Anonymous said...


You just did Bash FQH breeders. It doesn't matter whether it was merely implied or stated outright. One is as much a bash as the other.

BTW I am not a FQH or even a qh person and have no agenda what so ever. Except that I don't like lies and half truths.

Anonymous said...


What is more you are using the argument that if you tell someone to commit a crime it was their fault if they do it because they would have done it anyway...NONSENSE!! What planet are you from?

When you deliberately incite illegal action you can be held civilly and criminally responsible. Why you are arguing differently is beyond my comprehension since it is a completely illogical stance.