Snarky commentary on the breeding of a poor quality woman, her silly and abusive teaching techniques and pretty much anything else that annoys me about her! Your UNCENSORED place to vent about this woman being in the horse world!

Fugly Wench of the Day

My photo
This is a philosophical blog about.....oh, screw it!!! This blog is dedicated to calling Cathy, the FHotD writer, out on her bull sh*t!

Friday, February 20, 2009

When ignorant people comment on rodeo

Not all that surprised when I clicked over to FHotD and went to the links to the youtube videos Cathy was blogging about. Yep, sending her loyal flock to bash videos on youtube again! I don't expect much from Cathy now-a-days, especially don't expect her to understand rodeo events such as roping or barrels. What I am surprised about is seeing the comments saying that kids are overhorsed and should all be on ponies. I am getting tired of the PETA and SHARK people on FHotD saying, "roping steers is cruel and mean!" *eye roll*. How do these people think these calves were vaccinated, branded, and vetted decades ago, by walking up to them with feed in your hand and hoping they stand still? Nope, they were headed and then heeled so they could be layed on their side for vaccinations, branding, and tagging. I'm prepared for the day I click to FHotD and see someone say,"The sport of Cutting is sooooo mean, it's cruel to separate a steer from it's herd mates!"
I'm also so tired of the "kiddies all need helmets!" comments. Yes, they can save the head from concussion. But do people not understand that helmets only prevent outer damage. They do nothing to protect the brain from rattling inside the skull if you're being drug behind a horse. A helmet is not an automatic,"You're safe on what ever mount". And do these people honestly think that by going onto youtube, calling people names and telling them they are abusing their children is going to make these parents automatically think their kid needs a helmet? Heck no. And if that is child abuse, then I guess my parents are the demon of child abusers seeing as all 6(including me) of my brothers and sisters never wore a helmet. And for those youtube videos of the little boy on his play day horse many people were calling the horse a saint. What you call a saint, I call a good broke horse. His horse obviously was well trained, knew her job, and was very mindful of where the little boy was on him at all times. If THAT honestly shocked you, come down to a play day here in Texas and see how a properly trained kid horse is suppose to act. Sometimes I wonder if Cathy or some of her followers have in fact ever been around a well broke or a kid safe horse. Some times I wonder if they have even been around horses at all since most of them seem so shocked about these videos. Here are two of the videos that she featured for those who no longer link to FHotD. and this one
Here is a little of what Cathy had to say-

Check out the rest of the vids - plenty of bareheaded babies on horseback, babies running around with loose foals, the world's fugliest foal being born, children galloping that don't have the riding skills to trot safely without assistance - yes, the stupid's all there, preserved on video for your entertainment.
Sorry Cathy, but I've seen videos on youtube of YOU riding and I'd just about say that even you aren't fit enough for that 'saint' of a mare. Cathy I suggest you start off with a horse like this- Stick to topics you know, such as ceramic kitties or the basics of grooming a horse. I'm not even going to touch on her comments on the fugly foal or the breeding as I'm sure everyone here knows exactly what I think of that crooked legged VLC baby, Bullwinkle. Those that actually are educated about rodeo, whether it is Junior or Pros, know what it takes. Next time you're at the NFR ask those barrel racers and bull riders when they started riding and then ask those barrel racers if they were out fitted in helmets. And then I want you to head over to a NRHA show and watch the young bucks show you how to rein. Those that do participate in Western Events such as cutting, reining, and WP know just how good some of these kids are for their age. Speaking of which, my 6 year old grand baby placed 2nd at a junior/youth cutting this past weekend. I couldn't be prouder.
Rodeo and Cowboy-ing isn't something that you just learn, it's in your blood.


Nicole Falk said...

Well, the particular videos she posted I disagree with a bit. I don't think kids should just be thrown on a horse when they lack obvious riding experience. I've seen some DAMN fine little kids riding rodeos, and I have absolutely zero issue with it. I hate when people think that a kid in a helmet and on a pony over jumps is somehow safer. The one video of the little girl hanging on for dear life and bouncing like crazy kind of bugged me. I agree with you fully on the rodeo abuse crap. What I think I love most is a lot of these same people screaming abuse at rodeos are the same people asking eventing horses to tackle 4'0" solid jumps they often flip themselves over and see nothing wrong with it. I don't see either as "abusive", but pot calling the kettle black much?

My Equine Rat Race

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this is how the sheep goodness! Check out some of the comments...and of course they are all from today...after Fugly's blog...geeez!

Too bad Fugly doesn't try to educate people instead of bashing them..although I've grown up around pee wee rodeo's and play days...I don't see anything wrong with it...

I do think that some of the parents should teach their kids to ride though

Thank you so much for posting about rodeo!

Anonymous said...

How do these people think these calves were vaccinated, branded, and vetted decades ago, by walking up to them with feed in your hand and hoping they stand still?

THANK YOU! I give the same argument when people whine it's too cruel. Sheesh, when is the PC fad gonna fade out?!

Whinny said...

Well let's see, what exactly do helmets do, with their styrofoam inners and hardshell outers? Oh yeah, they absorb the SHOCK from the hit, by compressing the inside foam so instead of your skull absorbing the full force, the foam does most of it for you. Have you ever wondered why so much testing is done for riding helmets, and why well uhmmm I don't know, they SAVE LIVES?? Numerous times I've fallen off my horse to come up with a cracked or smushed helmet, but still living myself with just a bit of a headache. Why do you think we have airbags in cars?? Because they absorb the FORCE AND SHOCK just like a helmet does. Why do you think we use protective gear in sports?? Should a biker not wear a helmet? Should a motorcyclist not either? I know for a fact a bike helmet saved my friends life.

I'm sorry, but to say that helmets are basically "pointless" is the most idiotic thing I've heard in my entire life. Just plain uneducated and retarded. Children should all have helmets, they are still learning their balance at yes even six years old and we all know, fall off more easily as they don't have the experience. Oh but I forgot, helmets don't do anything right?

Just. Wow.

Anonymous said...

Just start marking all the swuglies youtube comments as spam.

Nicole Falk said...

Wazzoo - That's really really sad. That's actually a perfect example of a DAMN fine little cowboy. What these buffoons fail to realize is just how tough this makes you in life. I grew up in a time where when I got dumped, I got told to stop snivelling and get back on that horse! It didn't matter that I was a girl, crying was for wussies! Every day, I count my blessings that I was so lucky to be raised "farm tough".

Pansy city people, I guess it's better if your child is gorging himself on chocolate in front of the Tv, right?

Dena said...

As Always well said...

Still chuckling over the image of,

come here little baby cow, handful of grain, and I hope you have a helmet and the ability to run very very fast, for all the good it may do you...

Still chuckling...

Anonymous said...

I don't normally post on any blog but I do read the FHOTD blog regularly, I see a lot of truth in most of what she says in her posts. I will admit that I am NOT a western rider but I do know the basics about barrels and poles etc. and I don't care what discipline you ride children should be in helmets. Its a precaution that any responsible parent would take, no helmets wont magically make you bulletproof, people still get injured and even die with a helmet on but it helps much much more than it hurts. As for the videos i agree the boy is on a well trained horse, BUT you should never encourage a child that young to be jumping off a horse when he is not big enough to land on his own feet, that's just dangerous. As for my opinion about your blog .. I think its kind of pathetic that you sit around all day waiting for fugly to post something so you can make up some big story about why she is wrong...honestly don't you have a job?? And your comments about Bullwinkle how can someone possibly be held responsible for something that happened with their horse before they owned it?? .. and it is my understanding that she does not intend to breed the VLC unless he is a success in the show ring ... now I don't know if there's some new technology out that I don't know of but I have always been under the impression that you cant geld a horse and then wait and see if hes a success and the decide he would make a good stallion. ???..that is how famous stallions are created they are shown while they are young and then people get to know them not saying the VLC will be famous but still.

Straw said...

To be honest, there have been times when at a rodeo event where I gasp, but I'm certainly no PETA member. Watching a calf loll around while it's struggling to get up isn't something I simply say "gosh, that's a shame" to. Regardless, it's the name of the game, and I'd probably still eat it if it passed my dinner plate.

Next, my issue lies more with the blatant obtuse attitude she takes about the realities in the world. I simply cannot imagine what embittered her so to pass such harsh judgment on situations she's simply not involved with. As a kid, we bathed our horses in the front yard, ran inside and found the biggest white flat sheet we could, and wrapped them up to be fancy greek horses. We'd even go so far as to *gasp* climb on bareback and trot around in halters. It seems as though Cathy just must have missed this intricate and awesome part of growing up on the back of a horse. Perhaps she was born the pristine image of equitation and won all the gold stars at every 4h get together, but I somehow have the inkling that wasn't the case.

It's unfortunate that she could actually have a really informal, and much more sought after gig going for her if she'd cut out the un-necessary judgment of others, and actually own up to the fact she can't walk a straight fence if it killed her.


Straw said...

I think its kind of pathetic that you sit around all day waiting for fugly to post something so you can make up some big story about why she is wrong.

But then why is it acceptable for so many more to sit around all day waiting for Fugly to post something they flock to and hold in high opinion based on situations they're misinformed about. Why is it okay for said fans to dissect and maintain the same attitude and viciously attack people they're uniformed and hand fed opinions about?

Double standards are really, really unflattering.

The Wenchster said...

Veronica please read hun. I DID say that helmets prevent concussion from OUTSIDE force. Other than that, they do little else. What kills most people is the same effect as SBS(Shaken Baby Syndrome). The brain is rattled so much in the skull causing the brain to bleed and swell.
Your argument is hysterical as how many wrecks have you seen where people die even though the air bags deployed and they were wearing a seat belt? Just last weekend 3 people in my town died. 2 were young girls in High School, the other was a business owner in her 50's- they were all wearing seat belts and the air bags did deploy when one of their vehicles coasted into the wrong lane. The 2 young girls were killed on impact, the older lady died after being care flighted. Last year a gentleman in my town was killed after someone ran into his motorcycle, he was wearing a helmet. How many football injuries have you seen where someone has a crushed collar bone?
People need to know the truth about this. These 'safe guards' are nothing more than safety measure. They do not prevent death and most of the time when they're beat beyond their intended use will NOT prevent injury. Go into any helmet makers website and you will see that they state the SAME thing. This is why there are laws to protect these companies. So people don't start a law suit against the Bell Helmet company because someone told them that all these safe guards were guarantees.

Your theory does not hold up, so please refrain from calling people uneducated and retarded.

Anonymous said...

I think its kind of pathetic that you sit around all day waiting for fugly to post something so you can make up some big story about why she is wrong.

Yet, they, the fuglyites, do the same thing for this blog, am I right?

Ratedb, Love your input! If fugly was half as intellectual as you were, she'd have a darn good blog.

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Funny you should mention the "cutting cattle" thing. I almost came back with a scathing reply that if roping calves is cruel, then so must be team roping and working cowhorse and team penning and...cutting. Where would it stop?

When none of us were no longer allowed to eat, much less own any animals.

And you know what Veronica...the point about the helmets is...that a lot of us are sick and tired of hearing all the wanna-be, re-rider, can't ride-anyway YAHOOs bitching about helmets.

It is NOT a law and therefore is entirely up to the parents and their kids. If you want to wear one and feel like it makes you a better rider...Good for YOU. But stop trying to tell the rest of us how we should do it.

Oh yea...and Fugly don't wear a helmet-LOL!! Great way to lead by example!!

Hey Wazzoo...did you see we are buddies now??
(Waving wildly) Hi Buddy!:)

Anonymous said...

Mikolaj - I'm lucky that there was some really nice ranchers that took pity on the dirt poor kid who was horse! I will forever be thankful to them.

I never wore a helmet when I was a in one brutal accident...a helmet sure wouldn't have helped the leg I almost lost.

I guess I didn't grow up in a place where helmets were considered all that.

Half the stuff Fugly bashes people for, she's admitted that she's done herself as a kid...and does now...I'm referring to riding without a helmet and the stuff kids do with their horses.

I got asked on the Fugly comments section about bull riding...I had to admit I didn't know what that had to do with I do know that when I was a kid, I was learning how to ride steers, I wanted to join the High School Rodeo team when I got old enough, unfortunately I didn't know that girls weren't allowed to where I went to school at, neither did the old cowboy that was teaching I also remember at brandings a bunch of us kids would grab a big calf and try to ride

Veronica....I didn't see where Wench said helmets were pointless at all. Please point that out?

The Wenchster said...

Anon I've already covered the VLC topic. And from the look of the front legs on Bullwinkle- neither VLC and that mare should be breeding.
People keep saying well if he's proven in the show ring, then she'll breed him. But do you know how many high dollar/winning geldings are in the show world- tons. And their owners were bright enough to know that just because they are winning doesn't mean the horse should be out breeding. A lot of them actually practice what they preach, that there is a horse over population and there is no reason to put more out there. Cathy does not practice her own theory of "if all stallions are castrated, then there will not be an over population". No instead she keeps hers intact because she feels he's more worthy than the next Back yard stallion.
And as I've stated on this blog before. Money earned and points earn don't mean squat to the kill buyer. As Cathy has posted many, MANY money earning horses rescued from kill buyers, I would think she would get the point that just because VLC is her's doesn't mean his offspring is going to be safe.

Anonymous said...

BrownEyed Cowgirls said...

Hey Wazzoo...did you see we are buddies now??
(Waving wildly) Hi Buddy!:)

I saw that! Hi Pal =)

Anonymous said...

Mikolaj said...

Wazzoo - That's really really sad. That's actually a perfect example of a DAMN fine little cowboy. What these buffoons fail to realize is just how tough this makes you in life. I grew up in a time where when I got dumped, I got told to stop snivelling and get back on that horse! It didn't matter that I was a girl, crying was for wussies! Every day, I count my blessings that I was so lucky to be raised "farm tough".

Pansy city people, I guess it's better if your child is gorging himself on chocolate in front of the Tv, right?

I thought he was awesome too! =)

CCH said...

In my all knowing, always right opinion ;) Cutting is the least detrimental to cattle.

That being said, I did rodeo for many years, now I just cut, but I wish you would clarify your "its in the blood" statement.

It's true that generationally a person has a better chance of being a good rider or whatever. There are those of us who didn't grow up in those families but its in my blood regardless.

So what I'm saying is blood to me doesn't necessarily mean family, but more soul. (Yeah, I'm that deep, lol)

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

I swear I am going to pull my hair out!!

Anon....YES, we ALL know that the foals that the VLC produced were BEFORE he was owned by Cathy. WE GOT IT!!!

Now let's see if you all can grasp this...
The VLC HAS does not matter who owned him when he reproduced. It does not matter how many points he has on him. It does not matter if he goes on to win the World.

All that matters is what he does for his babies...and the VLC has produced a ginormous, crooked-legged foal...named Bullwinkle.

Do you think the world needs more of those?

How many more does he have to produce like that to prove he is not breeding material?

trainingemmy said...

My husband suffered a traumatic brain injury seven years ago. His head was concussed from the outside, but what really got him was the deep tissue injuries he sustained from his brain sloshing, bang!, against one side of his skull and then, bang!, on the other side of his skull.

He has three perfect lesions in the center of his brain. His neurologist says that the only thing that could have prevented the injury was not to have gotten in the accident. As it happened, he was playing a sport that doesn't use helmets, but even if he had been playing a sport that did use them, chances are likely he would have had similar if not identical injuries. Of course, if it had been identified as a brain injury, they could have rehabbed him, but that was before the Iraq war made brain injuries a big topic, and neurology advanced in its understanding of brain injuries.

My husband's short-term memory is fried. If he gets up to get a glass of water and you ask him to get you one too, he'll come back with yours. It nearly tore our marriage apart when it first happened, but we've gotten used to it. Now we just laugh about his haywire memory. And I leave notes or call him constantly to remind him and guide him.

I always wear a helmet because I do believe they can save lives in some situations, and it does make me feel more secure or at least it makes me more cautious, which is perhaps the point Wenchster is trying to make. Helmets aren't a cure-all or an excuse to jump on a horse that's too much for you.

If I had a kid, I would make him or her wear one too; but I'd also make sure he or she had riding lessons, learned safety around horses and was not overhorsed if possible. I have friends who don't wear them and who don't make their kids wear them, and that's their choice. I don't think child protective services should be called, as I do believe those folks have their hands full with far more pressing matters.

Oh, and I really don't get the whole "the cow is being hurt" thing. I suspect a lot of people who say that are the same ones who love eating a big juicy burger. I think it's far crueler to keep a cow in an industrial feedlot fattening it up for slaughter than it is to let it run around and be chased by cowboys and cowgirls. Maybe I'm wrong, but cows who play in rodeo rings never seem to have the same beseeching expression as those in industrial feedlots.

roanhorse said...

Veronica dear, I would strongly suggest that you spend some of your free time away from cheap romance novels and come visit my ER. Your post reveals nothing more than pure ignorance. It's true; Helmets DO NOT prevent the brain from literally rattling around inside the skull....brain stem injuries are fatal. When the brain is literally ripped from the brain stem what do you suppose happens? YOU DIE. Pure and simple. A dam helmet WILL NOT prevent that fatality.

With your pithy remarks I surprised you didn't place MD behind your name.

Anonymous said...

It made me gasp when that little guy fell on his hip, but yeah he is one tough little guy. My daughter is also the poster child of hard knocks. Her mare rolled on her the other day and she got back up and rode afterwards. She does wear a helmet, but had she not got free I don't think it would have helped her leg or hip much (one amoung her many growing up on horses). For the record the mare is a 17 year old been there done that show champion (leading point earner in the 90's) who had a bug up her tail. She and I reached a conclusion that was not acceptable.

Nicole Falk said...

I can't help but question how many of these radicals allow their children to ride bicycles without helmets. Surely taking a header onto pavement must be better for your brain then landing in the grass when ol' Dobbin trips...right? I mean, come on people!

I have severe over heating problems in summer, and we don't get no cushy air conditioned arena to ride in. Thanks, but I'd rather have my wits about my helmetless then passing out doing 60km/h through a field WITH a helmet. I've owned my mare since she was born, and she's actually 10 years old today. I broke her myself, and we've been through countless disciplines together. Amazing how I've only fallen ONCE, and it was entirely my fault for putting her at a jump to big for her. I just grabbed her mane and somersaulted over her shoulder.

Sometimes the crap about animals being sooooo unpredictable really gets to me. If my mare ever did something lunatic enough to endanger me, I can bloody well guarantee you no helmet would save me because the situation would have to be SO outrageous for her to react like that.

I know when to wear a helmet and I do. Horses I don't know well with attitude problems, youngsters. I know when to protect my noggin.

WAZZOO - Last year, we went to the local big name stampede, and I swear, I kick myself every single day for forgetting the camera. No word of a lie, this little rider was THREE years old. Everyone was in disbelief. She had a million dollar pony and competed in all the gymkhana events. I have never in my life seen a kid that young ride that well. She used her reins to smack him on the bum to get him going because her legs were so short! At one point, they were doing a stuffed animal relay and the teddy bear was bigger then she was. She grabbed the bear, grabbed her reins and was kicking for all she was worth and pony wouldn't move. Everyone was just saying "Awwww..." when she grabs the bear in one hand and WALLOPS him across the butt with it and goes cantering off to finish the race! It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Nobody will convince me she was there because "Mommy wanted her to compete". That little girl loved every minute of the standing ovations she got!

My Equine Rat Race

Unknown said...

I have to say I am really quite annoyed with the "pansy city people" comment. I grew up in a very major city, but I am not a pansy city person. Actually I still live in the city. But just this week I helped semen test about 60 bulls. I have roped, cut, and done alot of rodeo events. I have "cowgirled" up many times. It isn't about where you are geographically, but more your general attitude on life. I know quite a few "country folk" who are just as lazy as you claim all city people are. I just hate when people assume city people don't enjoy the outdoors and can't be "tough" like those raised in the country.

Nicole Falk said...

Liz - Haha, my deepest apologies, bad wording! I also live in the city, I have my whole life so I tend to use the term "city people" to describe those who's only interaction with a horse is a hoity toity lesson once a week which obviously makes them experts. I grew up on weekends and summers on my grandpa's hobby farm with 10+ head of Arabians, and a vast assortment of cows, pigs, chickens, etc. We maintain all upkeep and repair on the farm where we currently keep our horses, so we're out every single day stacking bales, sledgeing posts, strining wire, etc. Sorry for the misinterpretation!

exes blue eyed devil said...

I have never done rodeo, but I ALSO don't pretend to know enough to judge it either. Guess I am not fugly-worthy!

Duske said...

TG: You're an awesome wife!

Liz: You may be city girl, but inside you beats the heart of a country girl.

The Wenchster said...

CCH we have the same definition of "in your blood." :) You don't have to be a ranchers daughter/son to want to be a cowgirl/cowboy.
What I define as cowboy/cowgirl being in your blood is when you wake up in the morning and you want nothing more than to be speeding around those barrels, chasing after that steer, sitting the buck of a bull, or slide to a stop.(or whatever discipline you do).

TrainingEmmy I'm sorry to hear about your husband. Although sometimes I wish my hubby's short term memory was fried too. That way he won't remember all the goofy stuff I do.

Zephyrine Flycatcher said...

Not going to comment on the rodeo issue (not my thing,) but I will comment on the helmet issue. Although they don't protect from a brain injury, protecting your skull and the like from injury is something I feel is important in the reason to wear one. Your skull is the only thing you have to keep your brain safe, and once that is compromised, then you have nothing. A concussion can be devastating if it is bad enough, and it can only be prevented.

Also, what if you do fall or have an accident where the horse happens to land a hoof on your head? Sometimes, helmets can protect you from more than falls.

I think it is important for a young person to wear a helmet regardless of ability. Things happen to the best of us, even the top riders.


Now, Cathy doesn't wear a helmet herself, describes the perks, etc. of wearing one, yet she doesn't wear one herself. It's something I don't get, and although she pushes it on others, she always disclaims if you try to make her wear one she'll just be bull-headed about it. Once again, leading by example = fail.

seaview said...

I grew up not wearing a riding helmet (well, we wore the black velvet skull cap thing required for hunters)and until recently,I often did not wear one. Until the last time I got thrown really hard!
I was very lucky to get my hand out in time to catch myself (my hand was not so lucky-wore a cast for 6 weeks) but all I could think about as the horse was bolting with me was how hard was the ground going to be when it slammed against my head...since then, I have not ridden without one. I am a nurse and have seen a decrease in fatalities from the use of seatbelts and airbags and use of true riding helmets (horse and motorcycle). So, I DO advocate helmet use but certainly don't think you need to call DSS because some kid is not wearing a helmet...
Just my two cents:-)

seaview said...

Want to add: if the kid HAD been wearing a helmet, the fuglies would've been screeching because it is not traditional to wear head protection in rodeo events LOL

trainingemmy said...

Troxel makes a western hat helmet that looks pretty authentic: I think it would be nice for trail riding.

CinnSwirl, you make a good point about cracking one's skull open. I never think of that, but I suppose my helmet would protect against that too.

Wenchster, thanks for your kind words. My husband makes the best poster child for how sweet and functional a person with a milder brain injury can be. Despite his dippy memory, there's no person alive who is kinder to other people and animals. He's really something special. And, yes, it's sometimes kind of nice when he doesn't remember a conversation we've had. Especially when I'm asking for something horse related! :-)

The Wenchster said...

I hope everyone here understands, I'm not advocating NOT wearing a helmet. I do however feel it is the parents or the minor/adults choice and they should not be bashed if they choose to not wear one. However, children and adults, no matter the age, can be hurt or killed by any object that thinks for itself, especially livestock.

Fuglies army takes it one step up a notch with their bashing, pretending that a helmet will suddenly make a child safe on the horse. What happens though if a child falls off and breaks their leg/arm/other body part? What happens if they fall of and become paralyzed? Should CPS be called then? And if THATS the case does that mean that any adult who puts their child on a horse is a bad parent and should have child protective services called out?
IMO it just seems like a never ending string. A helmet can prevent minor head trauma, but it's not insurance for all the other "what-ifs" in the horse world.

It kind of makes you wonder, if Cathy ruled the world- who would be allowed to ride? Who would be allowed to breed? And what other strict rules would there probably be besides her "IQ test for horse owners" and "government paying for everyones castration and euth bills!

Cathryn said...

Where are Cathy's videos?
I need a laugh.

Nicole Falk said...

That's kind of a scary thought.

"Can I breed my stallion?"

"Can I ditch my helmet?"

Sounds like the makings of a bad Dr. Suess story.

Excellent point though. It's so ridiculous how people make it black and white - if you wear a helmet, you WILL live. If you don't wear a helmet, you WILL die.

It always makes me question why we don't wear helmets in cars, or walking down stairs. Life is full of danger around every corner, we can't be protected 24/7. It just has to be left up to personal discretion.

Darcy Jayne said...

Speaking as a bicyclist first, motorcyclist second and rider last (since that's the newest thing in my life), I'm all for helmets.

They don't just help keep your skull from cracking open in a hard fall, they also provide enough of a cushion (if they're any good) to reduce (not prevent, reduce) the "banging off the inside of the skull" part of it.

I will never consider a helmet a guarantee that my brain won't be injured in a fall, but I can't imagine riding a bike or motorcycle without one. I will admit to being tempted to ride horseback without one, espcially in the ring where I'm learning right now - very deep sand and quite sensible dressage trained mare to teach me, but I've resisted. I've also discovered that a riding helmet comes in awfully handy on trail rides - I've lost count of the number of branches I failed to duck that just scraped the helmet instead of my skull.

As for the rodeo thing - I'm torn. Roping events can't be any fun for the critters being roped, and I am uncomfortable with the notion of putting an animal into a situation that does not benefit it and that it would avoid just for entertainment. Likewise the bucking stock - the critters may be having a lovely time flinging cowboys around in the areana, but I have heared that not all of it is treated well outside events.

But, back to the post - I do NOT get this notion that children shouldn't be up on a horse. How the heck else are they supposed to learn? A couple of bruises and a broken bone or two earned in actual activity are not the end of the world to a kid, and can be remarkably effective teaching tools.

Anonymous said...

Mikolaj said...
WAZZOO - Last year, we went to the local big name stampede, and I swear, I kick myself every single day for forgetting the camera. No word of a lie, this little rider was THREE years old. Everyone was in disbelief. She had a million dollar pony and competed in all the gymkhana events. I have never in my life seen a kid that young ride that well. She used her reins to smack him on the bum to get him going because her legs were so short! At one point, they were doing a stuffed animal relay and the teddy bear was bigger then she was. She grabbed the bear, grabbed her reins and was kicking for all she was worth and pony wouldn't move. Everyone was just saying "Awwww..." when she grabs the bear in one hand and WALLOPS him across the butt with it and goes cantering off to finish the race! It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Nobody will convince me she was there because "Mommy wanted her to compete". That little girl loved every minute of the standing ovations she got!

My Equine Rat Race

February 20, 2009 6:27 PM

I bet that was adorable to watch! I've seen so many little kids ride well. My ex-husbands little niece was like that...a real go getter. =)

Michele said...

Cathy would have a heart attack if she ever came to one of my speed shows. We have a 8 and under class, got about 6-7 kids that run in that class. A couple of ride mini's, some ride ponies and some ride big horses.

I have one 15.2 hand seasoned barrel horse that I put just about any one on, kid, beginner, anyone. He's just one of those horses. He goes according to who's on him. My other barrel horse.........well, I'm not even sure I'm 100% safe riding him some days, I wouldn't let anyone else ride him......ever. I guess what I'm getting at is it depends on the horse. Not the size of the horse, just the horse. There are plenty of big horses that are good ole babysitters and will take care of their riders, I see nothing wrong with putting a little kid on them.

GoLightly said...

Oh, heck. I'm one of the rodeo gaspers, but I do get the idea/need/history behind it. I guess I just hate the wild horse race the most. I think that's my biggest problem with rodeo. The good old, skeer 'em and break 'em mentality. I just think it perpetuates some myths, that don't really happen on a ranch anymore. Working with cattle is dangerous business. But the real cowboys are more interested in calm livestock handling, not yippee-kay-ay. JMO. Flame away Sarcasta:)
I watched a girl die, at one of my first horse shows, she was wearing a helmet. Did NOT further my cause with the parents. Of course, they had come to watch. A helmet won't stop you from getting killed. A horse falls on your head, you can die.

A child-safe horse is the key.

The Barn Bitch said...

I find Fugly and Wench's point of views BOTH occasionally too extreme and I rarely feel the need to comment to either. But this whole helmet thing is pissing me off.

Back when most of us were kids, wearing helmets was NOT the norm for bikes OR horses...right up there with using lead paint, driving unforgiving metal cars with no seatbelts, use of dangerous insecticides, blah blah blah.

The point of helmets, the point of UNleaded paint, the point of it ALL is a reflection of technological advancements and improved safety for the general public. Who knows, in 25 more years they might have a entire BODYSUIT out there that will cushion you from head to toe!

My point can't compare the practices of today and yesterday.

You can't force people to protect themselves or their offspring (hence why not wearing your seatbelts, drunk driving and lead paint all became punishable by law). There's still parents that won't put seatbelts on their kids...would YOU not strap your kid in, or expect your teenage driver to buckle up? Of course you would! Same principle applies to helmet wearing. Why is the NOT expected when putting a kid on a horse? I just don't get that. It's better technology at your fingertips which could help prevent a catastrophic brain injury. DUH, it's not going to stop a broken extremity, but Jesus, it's your kid's BRAIN.

NOW, on the flip side, if some of Cathy's blog readers are that horribly worried about children and horses, they probably shouldn't be mixing the two together at all. Well, at least until that bodysuit comes along....

Anonymous said...

[I]But then why is it acceptable for so many more to sit around all day waiting for Fugly to post something they flock to and hold in high opinion based on situations they're misinformed about. Why is it okay for said fans to dissect and maintain the same attitude and viciously attack people they're uniformed and hand fed opinions about?

Double standards are really, really unflattering.[/I]

Different Anonymous here. It's not OK that the "Fugly Mob" harasses people on the Internet. I don't think that was ever Fugs intention and she has asked on the blog that it stop. She can't control her commenters, just like the Wencher can't control her commenters. She can express her oppinion and some sheep will follow in a line, some will go off and do their own thing, and then there are the others who will mis-interpret what she is saying; Those are the crazies who become web-stalkers and Internet bullies, who think they are doing what Fugs wants them to do, but they are way off the mark.

Reading through the comments on this blog, I'm finding a lot of your comments are similar to those on FHoTD. It wont be long before you attract some commenters that mis-interpret what you have written and start tracking down and harassing people who comment on FHoTD. It may have started happening already.

Roxmysox said...

Barn Bitch - I'm with you on that - I remember seeing the cycle helmets for the first time and thinking "no way, that's too freaky" but now they are a common piece of kit.
Riding helmets - yes I rode without for years but now I won't, my kids wear them and anyone riding my horses does. Anyone with their own horse can suit themselves. Their head = their risk.
I'd rather have hat hair than a hospital bed ( or a wooden box).

Straw said...

Reading through the comments on this blog, I'm finding a lot of your comments are similar to those on FHoTD. It wont be long before you attract some commenters that mis-interpret what you have written and start tracking down and harassing people who comment on FHoTD. It may have already.

Wow. My opinion that she attacks people without cause means I'm tracking down and harassing people who disagree with me.

Did I miss something here?

CharlesCityCat said...

Helmets are a piece of safety equipment. They are there to offer protection and today's products do a good job. They do not offer 100% protection though, and I think everyone here knows that.

I grew up not wearing a bicycle helmet and not wearing a riding helmet. I am kind of an old fart. My first horse was in Missouri and I rode western, ran barrells, did pleasure, tried pole bending, did trail classes, ran the plug race, all helmetless. When I look back now, it is a wonder my brains weren't spattered on the ground. That running the barrells, barebacked on a sweaty horse, me wearing shorts comes to mind.

Wouldn't do it now, I do wear a helmet but do realize that they do have limitations. Christopher Reeves had a helmet on, broke his neck.

Goes to show that nothing is ever 100% and many other precautions need to be taken.

I do think many parts of rodeo are cool. Would love to do some, don't have a horse who would appreciate it though. Buck the Perch frowns on actually exerting himself. He likes going to the hunt and hanging out with the hilltoppers, he gets to look gorgeous and party with the crowd.

CharlesCityCat said...


Sorry I didn't respond to your comment on an earlier thread about my being here. Brother had surgery, haven't been on much.

I did realize what you meant. Hope I wasn't one of the ones who blasted you (unless you deserved it, which based on your posts here sounds highly unlikely.) Apparently, I did blast Bucky, still wish I knew where it was so I could review what my position was.

Bucky: Hint, Hint

Anonymous said...

I must disagree with those who are releasing fugly from any liablity.

She has a history of encouraging her readers to contact directly those who are featured.
She has a history of inciting the mob mentality.

Sorry. But saying it isn't so, does not make it so.
It is all there in print.

Asking readers NOT to contact is an entirely new to fugly and her current status thing.

CharlesCityCat said...


As as long time Fhotd reader and poster, you are right on that.

Early on, she created what she is now backpeddling so hard to prevent. She would post direct links to her topic of the day, which is an invitation for trouble, and early on she didn't try to discourage anyone from going to these sites, she said nothing at all.

It is a case of too little, too late.

For the record, as a former Fugly follower, I never contacted, in any way, any of the topics of her posts. I found what so many apparently did to be repugnant and a total embarassment.

trainingemmy said...

Ah riding in shorts, doing chores in pajamas, and wearing sandals to visit horses. I've done all three, I'm not too proud to admit. Doing chores in my pajamas is actually a regular on my farm, and the other two I did when I was young and invincible during my first love affair with horses.

The older I get, though, the more cautious I am. (Which is why I'm having trouble with my mare and wondering if I need to get something a little more bombproof and a lot less hot and spooky.) I wish I didn't have this big blinking caution sign in my brain that activates whenever faced with something a little scary because it hampers my riding progress. Heck, sometimes it hampers riding at all. :-)

Michele said...

Brings to mind that country song

"Still here we are"

CharlesCityCat said...


Long, long ago in a different century, I used to ride in shorts. Was so very fun. Wish those days still existed. Do not ride in shorts now, ride english and those stirrup leathers would defintitely chafe.

Actually, I could ride bareback on Buck the Perch, would be fun, the other 3, not so much, withers hurt the hoohoo area.

Anonymous said...

Ok, have to comment here too. I totally agree with Barn Bitch too. If you look, now ever PRO BULL RIDERS are starting to wear helmets. Granted, bull riding is a little more extreme than horseback riding (sometimes) :)) and those aren't kids. I don't think kids should have the choice, they don't on anything else. Until they are paying for their own health insurance, MY kids will be following MY rules. Heck, someone brough up wearing helmets walking down the stairs and in the car. They've never seen my kids :) Sometimes they do. They LOVE wearing their helmets.

Someone also said earlier, nothing in life is a 100% guarantee. But every little bit helps.

(I'm a reader of both of these fugly blogs and take what I can knowledge wise and leave the drama because there's a little bit in both)

Padraigin_WA said...


I've been looking for a new schooling helmet, and I've noticed that there are a few out there whose manufacturers mention a cool head in summer. Vented and lightweight. I've been there, riding in high heat, and with humidity to boot. Not comfy! Back in those days we rode with thin shells covered with velvet, and held on by an elastic band. When I think of how many gallops and jumps I took while wearing that I just cringe.

Go Lightly, nice to see you you here!

BTW, I used to have a horse, and now ride someone else's once a week. I guess that's better than not riding at all :)

Padraigin_WA said...

CCC, I remember the shorts thing... we'd ride all summer like that. Combined with riding in t-shirts, it made for a dorky-looking 'farmer's tan' at our local swimming hole!

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Oh, I love the summertimes when my daughter and I jump on our horses bareback, in shorts and often barefoot and tootle around town. Very often we stop at the ice cream parlor and just enjoy riding along, eating ice cream and visiting. So many fun and wonderful memories we have of just hanging out together, visiting and enjoying our horses.

CharlesCityCat said...

Pad and BEG:

Was great fun, we used to go down to the Rubideaux (sp) river and swim our horses. Luckily the snakes got out of the way. At the time, I didn't realize that, good thing actually.

There is a local artist here named Robbin Thompson who has a great song that applies, one of the lines is "wish those days were back again, oh do you remember when."

Wenchster, hope you don't mind but if you do, please let me know.

I am afraid I am a bit in the nostalagic mode the last couple of days. It is fun to look back, but I don't want to offend.

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

CCC-This is the time of year, I get very nostalgic. I'm tired of doing chores in coveralls and bundling up everytime I step out the door. I want to feel warm sun on my bare shoulders and warm dirt between my toes. I want to run outside in shorts and a tanktop, throw a halter on my horse and jump on bareback and lope around the pasture.
The horses are really my connective tissue to my teenage daughter. We spend years raising them to be thinking, independent individuals and when they start getting to that age, it is hard to let them go. Time with friends and school activities become more important than hanging around with "mom". But when it comes to the horses...we still connect.

The Wenchster said...

Don't mind at all CCC. I grew up as a poor ranchers daughter back in the 50's and 60's and boy do I miss those times. People back then didn't have a heart attack seeing a kid strapped to the back of a big ole quiet horse. I miss going down to the creek bed and taking a swim with my horse. Or just sitting around the barn reading or even at times hiding from my mum and father when they wanted more chores done.
I was thrilled when I finally stepped up to my big girl horse. My first horse, Tater, was a good little pony. Sadly, his finest quality was being to out graze the cattle. He did little else other than eat and throw fits when I didn't let him eat. I spent more time being bucked off than I actually did in the saddle with him. We didn't have helmets mostly because my father was the teacher of school of hard knocks. The other part was we had solid, reliable horses because we spent more time on the back of one than we did flipping through the 4 TV stations we had.
I'm all for people putting helmets on themselves or their kids. But it is THEIR choice and I don't feel it right to bully just because they made their choice, whether you feel it's right or wrong.
As for rodeos. I loved tagging along with my father when he hauled steers to the rodeos. Yes, I did find myself sometimes cheering on the calf more than the people roping but I also understood these activities weren't just for what some people consider 'fun'. This was to show how a horse and cowboy originated and to show the original integrity of a working horse.
Times have changed a lot though that's for sure! Back then people found the time to work with their horses and to actually ride/train so it wasn't rare to see a horse much like the sorrel mare that little boy in the video was riding. Now people gasp at the thought of a nice broke horse that is kid safe.

TrainingEmmy I don't know what it is that goes off in our heads as we get older causing us to be scared. I guess it's because as we age we have more responsibilities. My first thought when I get on the back of a green horse is, "What's going to happen if I get hurt? How will bills get paid!" Sometimes I miss the cowgirl I was at 8 years old.

lazytrainer said...

Wheres the video of Cathy riding?

Anonymous said...

I have heard that the hardest thing in the world to hang onto was a wet horse coming up out of the creek. LOL!

DK-Too lazy to sign in.

CharlesCityCat said...

Wenchster and BEC:

Oh the good old days.

I'm looking both ways and behind my shoulder for the flame thrower, well, I'll be, no one there.

It is nice to be able to converse with others without being "painfully stupid." Thanks

Dena said...

Hey CCC and Wenchster

The Good Old Days? Are we that old?
Nuh huh...No way.
I do get the green horse who is going to pay the bills thing.
The creek, swimming the horses, was that the best or what?
Why is there always a creek when we are young, but not, when we are more mature?
Did we all get so busy/old we stopped exploring?
That would be sad. If, it were not changeable.

The Wenchster said...

Lazytrainer the videos are under Cathy's youtube account if she hasn't taken them off by now. I'm not sure of the direct link as it was emailed to me and I either deleted that email or it's hidden in one of my email folders.

Dena, I would say the good ole days. I'm getting to that age that my kids are worried I'll break a hip and my grand babies ask me if I'm going to die soon.

BEC- I hear you. My oldest daughter moved to California and forgot all about her horse dreams, my youngest daughter still absolutely loves horses, and my son still lives on the property helping me with the horses.
Every holiday or vacation my daughter comes back from California we get on a horse and it feels like she's never been that far at all. It's really nice feeling some special connection with my kids even though they have moved on with their own lives.

DK- it's worse when the horse comes out of the creek and starts to shake wildly like a dog. :)

DK said...

DK- it's worse when the horse comes out of the creek and starts to shake wildly like a dog. :)

Ah yes, the full body "Poof". Love it. Ha! And keeping you and your kids in my prayers, you so you don't break a hip and your kids so you can see them and ride with them more often.

Spring, it's in 27 days. Here's to warm weather, fine riding and days spent out there with the horses.

kestrel said...

I grew up riding bareback, in shorts, move your feet, keep your balance, and learn how to train!
Rodeo can be like any other horse sport, some are good some are bad. Ever notice how many old bucking horses are out there? Surprisingly, a LOT.
As far as helmets go, I insist my students wear them, so I wear one myself. Otherwise I just look like another hypocrite to the kids. There are some nice air vented ones out there that are as comfy as a baseball cap. I've seen a couple of falls that helmets saved lives and or badly scarred up faces, but don't think that a helmet is going to keep you one hundred percent safe. Only a good horse, good riding and good luck will do the job.

CharlesCityCat said...


You have grand kids? You sound like a youngster here on this blog.

I have always appreciated hearing from older riders. It helps me to not feel so goofy about the fact that I am not the hell bent for leather rider that I used to be.

Hey Dena.

secondwindacres said...

TrainingEmmy I don't know what it is that goes off in our heads as we get older causing us to be scared. I guess it's because as we age we have more responsibilities. My first thought when I get on the back of a green horse is, "What's going to happen if I get hurt? How will bills get paid!" Sometimes I miss the cowgirl I was at 8 years old
I miss the cowgirl I was too. Once, when I was 13 and my sister was 8 we were both home, still contagious but not feeling sick, with the chicken pox. We waited until my mom was out of sight and snuck out in pajamas and bare feet and took my mare for a riding double and bareback trail ride on a fine late April day. No helmet, no cell phone. It's still one of my fondest memories. I was a gorgeous day made all the more sweet because we knew we were supposed to be in bed. :) I guess things could easily have gone wrong and one of us could have gotten hurt, but we didn't and I'm 49 and can still remember it like it was yesterday.

BrownEyedCowgirl, I have 5 kids and my youngest is now 14 and friends, the mall and boys are giving me a real run for my money. We still connect over horses too, and I hope it will be something that keeps us close. It's my first experience with this type of teenage behavior because none of my other kids pulled away in quite the same way. It is both the proudest and saddest thing in a mom's life to watch your child grow into a caring and independent adult. I'm so happy for them and so very sad for myself. Hang in there!

As with CCC, for the record...I also never contacted any of the folks Cathy featured, ever. I was always the one trying to get everyone to get along. :0 I had to admit, it was a losing battle.

roanhorse said...

Anon...not only do bull riders have a helmet but also a full face mask....they also wear a body armour vest made of kevlar.

trainingemmy said...

Secondwind, that's an awesome story. Thanks for sharing.

Wenchster, I agree on the whole "who will pay the bills" thought. It goes through my head a lot more as I get older. There are a lot of mouths that rely on my ability to earn wages, including a couple adorable poodles, four geese, and two sassy, fat horses, not to mention my husband. I love being connected to other creatures human and animal, but the responsibility does weigh on me some days.

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

It was fun to get my mom back on a horse again last summer. It has been about 8 years since she has rode regularly and 5 since she was even on a horse. I know she has missed it, but could not take the chance that anything would happen to her, since she was my step-dad's primary caretaker. He passes away at the beginning of last summer and I insisted that she ride with me and my daughter to get her out of the house and to give her something else to think about. She still won't ride by herself, but I think that has a lot to do with difficulty lifting the saddle on either of the two massive geldings that she feels comfortable riding. Of course, at 67 and now living alone in the country, I don't blame her for not wanting to head out across the pasture. If anything happened, the outcome would not be good.
I told her this year, the goal is to get her back to running barrels. At first she scoffed, but the seed has been planted and I actually think she is contemplating it. Wouldn't that be cool to show up to a barrel racing with 3 generations, all riding horses we raised and trained. LOVE the idea!!

GoLightly said...

Wow, thanks Paddy!
What a shock:) Jeesh, everybodys here. I've been getting it, Really. I was a city kid. But I won't blather. Promise. hah.

kestrel, Hey:):)I always read kestrel. She's always right.
I've been LOOKIN' for you...

I do appreciate a calmer, more rational tone. Anywhere I go, anyway. If I sound confused, I probably am. I know I'm annoying.

Falling off is the thrill, the badge. At least when I was growing up. How many times have you fallen off? The number dictated the rest of the conversation.

Okay,I asked this over there>>>>
I'll ask it over here.
Please excuse the stupidity factor. I'm just asking.
Why (and I did this too) do youngsters like ourselves (used to be) become so sneery/snarky once we've ridden enough times to not fall off? Where does this imperiousness come from? This automatic assumption? It doesn't happen to that quick extreme extent,in any other sport I can think of. People usually know it takes time to learn something well. Except in horses.
At least, when I reached the two year mastery mark, at 13 (yeah, right) I was then shown how wrong I was. I guess I was lucky.
You can be an expert, after 2 years, in your own, poor, young (or old) mind.

Okay, ignore me, I'm annoying, anyway.

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Grrr...spelling and punctuation errors. Hope you get the drift.

Unknown said...

Whoever said that bucking bulls aren't treated well obviously has never actually been around them. They are worth more than probably most people's houses and are treated as such. They get all the food they want, air conditioning, supreme vet care. I want to be a bucking bull in my next life. Everything my heart desires and I work for 8 seconds at a time. That doesn't seem fair

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well. It would appear someone is getting A message.
Long overdue.
Just don't bank on her ability to retain.

Anonymous said...

A 40yr old rerider? I would have sworn that the PA High School reunion thing placed her in the 49-51yr old category.
I could be wrong.
I don't think I am though.
Maybe we could call her Zsa Zsa and the VLC?

secondwindacres said...

BrownEyedCowgirl, that would be very cool. Good for you, getting your mom back out there when you sensed she was missing it and it would do her good.

I also worry about the umpteen responsibilities that would suffer if I should get hurt while riding. Plus, I don't bounce like I used to either. I leave the green horses to my 17 year old who is fearless and good...a better combination than my apprehension of greenies and less-than-they-used-to-be riding skills. :)

I watched a documentary of a ranch that raised bucking bulls and I was impressed with the care those bulls get. Their own air-conditioned trailer! Top quality feed and vet care! I'm sure, just like with anything else, there are places that aren't so good but the ranch I saw really treated the bulls well. Like Liz said, for 8 seconds (most of the time not even that long!) of work every so often? I'll bet every bull wants to be a top name bucking bull when he grows up. :)

GL, I think I know what you're getting at. I do see some of that too. The kids that don't remember that they were once a beginner and snark at the newbies just learning how to ride. Or the adults who are very good riders snarking at adult re-riders who want to get back into horses and are relearning skills. It's a shame that some people have to be that way. If you're trying to learn and better yourself it's nice to get encouragement and help. But, if you're still learning and think you're the best and have the nerve to snark at other people, well that's a different story. :) Don't you think that everyone, regardless of skill level, is always learning? At least they should be. :)

secondwindacres said...

Maybe we could call her Zsa Zsa and the VLC?
Okay. I tried not to laugh. But I did a little anyway. :)

Padraigin_WA said...

Go Lightly, I really think I had good balance and could sit out a good strong spook without falling when I was younger. And my upper body strength was good, unlike it is now. I think we were all made of rubber back then. I watched halfpassgirl's near-fall on the rearing warmblood mare on you tube, and admired her ability to hold on and bring herself back to her seat! Heck, I now need a mounting block to get on the 16.3 gelding I now ride once weekly. Last week, I mounted a smaller Arabian from the ground (I was helping with a rescue group) and could barely swing myself over... I really need to hit the gym and yoga mat!
What really bugs me is that the night before I ride, I can get all worked up over it and fear falling. Then, when I am actually in the saddle, I feel on top of the world. Maybe because when I'm caught in the moment, I'm in control? what do you guys think


Roxmysox said...

I use a mounting block and blame my duff knee and dodgy back and at the same time tell myself it's better for the horse and better for the saddle blah blah blah. Okay so I admit I am not as flexible as I was once upon a time and If I get injured I know the house will fall apart.
I don't think I was ever really made of rubber - I just got a sort of live now hurt later arrangement.
Now I'm paying for all the dumb stuff I did when I thought I was unbreakable........

CharlesCityCat said...

Zsa Zsa, um, well, snorking coffee.


That is always the way with me as well, some concerns before getting on, but once up, it feels so good.

The Wenchster said...

CCC- Yes, I have kids and grand kids. I'm young at heart, old as hell in body though. I think I stopped bouncing like rubber when I was 30 or so. Now when I swing up on a horse it feels like both my hips go in two different directions. I've been very blessed though with nice calm stock horses and a son that pays his rent by breaking in the greenies. If it weren't for him I'd probably just have a bunch of nice looking horses to sit and stare at, which I have to admit. Sometimes I just love sitting and looking at them as much as I do riding.

Secondwind you named one of my pet peeves. When people sit back and criticize other's riding level or skill and then turn around and they can't ride worth a flip either. I won't claim to be a perfect rider, since there is no such thing. I applaud those adults that still scrape the money together for a monthly lesson to just brush up on their skills. I have a friend that puts on horse camps in my town and I'll tell you this, I LOVE watching the younger kids learning how to ride. They NEVER give up, they won't stop until they get it right. I've seen adults(and been one of those adults) that throws a fit and stomps off if I can't get something done in a few tries. Many of those who have husbands that start colts know exactly what I'm talking about. They also know to stay out of the way when they see their husband stomping away from the round pen.

Roxmysox- don't laugh but I have a few horses that won't step near a mounting block so I have to mount them from the ground. It might take me 5 minutes to get up in the saddle, but what's priceless is the "oh jesus" look on the horses face when I've got one leg in the stirrup and am bouncing wildly trying to get the courage to jump up in the saddle. Sadly, now with my age my version of "jumping" is hanging onto anything(horn, mane, off billet) and trying to mountain climb on up to the saddle. I guess you could say that I mount and dismount a bit like a drunk.

roanhorse said...

"Secondwind".....Za Za and the VLC...cracked me up...what a mental picture....her group of minions carrying her crown behind her....the crown sits on a red velvet pillow, mind you.....LOL

jmarieappaloosa said...

I am a farm raised kid, currently over 50. Married, mother of two adult children, no grandchildren yet. We had ponies when I was a kid, rode them bareback, no helmet, usually no shoes, in shorts. Fell off many times, got back on. Did all sorts of stupid stunts, stand on back, jump on from behind, took them over fences (instead of going to a gate) rode them in ponds, rivers. Along busy roads, you name it, we did it. I suffer from hearing loss from falling off one of my horses as a young child and hitting my head on a rock. If I had been wearing a helmet, I wouldn't have a dent in the back of my head and wouldn't need hearing aids. Each time I fall off (which seems to hurt more as I age, go figure) I seem to always hit my head (top heavy) and loose more hearing. Guess what. I wear a helmet now. And when my childern started to ride, they always had helmets on. To this day, my 27 yr old daughter wears a helmet when she gets on a horse. She has never suffered from a concussion or hearing loss from falling off a horse (and she has had her share of falls too)Oh, and she is farm raised too. As a 4-H leader, I made sure that every year the group we had watched a video called 'Every Time, Every Ride' I highly recommend it. It certainly changed the minds of several parents who didn't think their kids needed a helmet. In some cases, yeah, it might not save the child or adult...but if they don't have one on, well, they certainly would be toast if they land on their head. Moving on to the young lad riding the mare, coming off the mare at speed, landing on his back/side...didn't get busted up that time...but the odds are against him if it keeps happening. Notice when he's riding the sheep. They have protective equipment on him, ie. helmet, safety vest, etc. Cripes, the sheep is alot closer to the ground and a heck of alot smaller and lighter than a horse. Do you think maybe the association that is sponsoring that event realizes what can happen to a small child if they land hard on the ground, or are kicked by the sheep. So why wouldn't a parent also protect their child in a like manner when they are on a much larger/heavier animal? On to can love it or hate actually have an option. Some of the followers take it to an extreme, I'm sure there are some here that also take their comments to the's called 'human nature' and when it is basically anonymous, well, people just vent. Picking at everything Fugly does isn't really solving anything...and the people over there have done some good with rescuing different horses. Oh, should mention that it is law in Canada, that children 18 & under must wear helmets when riding. Don't beleive in the govt. telling us what to do, but in this case, I believe it was justified. And I thought that the US 4-H also made it manditory that 16 & under had to wear helmets at their shows? Well, blast away at my comments if you wish, it is your right as it is my right to express them. 8>)

trainingemmy said...

JMarie: People don't really seem to blast here. It's not the style. I think it's quite interesting to hear about your hearing loss, and I love your comment about being "top heavy." I'm going to tell my husband that's what he is. :-)

Anonymous said...

As I've said before, I don't ride on anything like a regular basis and my riding technique could be most accurately described as hold on and hope, which means my opinion about helmets is really only based on my knowledge of human anatomy. I do think, though, that it's a pretty good idea to wear one - just like a seatbelt won't save you from impact injury, but will prevent you ricocheting through the windscreen like a pigeon going through a jet engine; so a helmet won't prevent internal concussion and broken bones but will save you from skull fragments scything through your brain. I do look somewhat askance at people who don't encourage their kids to wear a helmet, but I hardly think it warrants calling the social services! People do far worse things to their kids than being slightly irresponsible when horse riding, after all.

When I was a kid (not so long ago, considering I'm only 21 now) I did lots of stupid, dangerous, exciting things while my parents weren't looking - it's part of what makes being a kid so much fun.


The reason I, for one, pick apart what Fugly says and does is because she has not only developed a large and rabid following (who fall over themselves to contact the people she features with counter-productive and often misinformed abuse) but she has slowly changed the format and content of her blog to further pander to these people. Yes, sometimes horses get rescued through the comments on Fugly's blog - but mostly because her commentators use the comments sections to communicate with one another.

That's all very well and good, but it doesn't mean that all the issues with the way Fugly reports information and sics her commentators on people can be ignored. How would you suggest people highlight this, especially considering how hard it is to disagree with anything on Fugly's blog without being ripped apart by the Fuglyites as being abusive/ignorant/cruel/whatever - even if the issue was one purely of opinion! I, personally, am glad this blog exists because it provides a forum to calmly discuss the issues raised without the screaming harpies bearing down the moment dissent appears. True, there are a couple of commentators here who could do with reining in their enthusiasm when in disagreement, but the general level of discourse is considerably higher and more civil than over at Fugly's.

Ascribing abusive language and action to "Human Nature" is an excuse, and not a very good one. It doesn't take much to sit back and reread what you have just written and work out what your reaction would be if someone said that to you, after all. To me it feels as though Fugly encourages people to be verbally aggressive and abusive even when it isn't warranted, is too quick to dismiss people as idiots rather than countering their points with logic and reasoning; and worst of all, encourages other people to do the same as though that were an acceptable manner of conducting an argument.

The internet is here to stay, and we all need to get over the power-trip that anonymity brings, not simply throw our hands up and say "well, that's the way it is."

Nicole Falk said...

Padraign - Thanks! I'll definately consider looking into one! I plan on doing a lot more jumping this season, and I personally don't really like jumping without a helmet. Over 2'0" and smaller in the yard, my little mare is a pro and could pack a total beginner, but bigger scarier fences are a different story =P I'm definately not opposed to helmets, and wouldn't mine owning one I can wear comfortably for those times where I feel my odds of falling off are drastically increased. It's just never been much of an issue when I'm hacking the trails Western on my mare. For example, I DID wear one when me and my roommate were asked to work with two lunatic geldings who'd been allowed to get away with absolute murder for awhile. Never did end up eating dirt, but I'd certainly like to own a well ventilated helmet for those horses of questionable attitude!

Anonymous said...

I would like to point out that that Horse Traffic site you use is completely bull, so stop using it to lift your ego. Try something reputable, such as Quantcast, through which you'll see the truth. You will see that Fugly's traffic is not falling, and a wealth of other information that you need to be clued in on.
You can tell if a site knows what it's doing by merely looking at it, and cutesy "HorseTraffic" doesn't have a clue. Try registering with Quantcast, so we can all compare and see the truth, why don't you? Or are you too afraid to let everyone know your little #2 HorsieTraffic banner is a lie?

jmarieappaloosa said...

Xix said: Ascribing abusive language and action to "Human Nature" is an excuse, and not a very good one. It doesn't take much to sit back and reread what you have just written and work out what your reaction would be if someone said that to you, after all. To me it feels as though Fugly encourages people to be verbally aggressive and abusive even when it isn't warranted, is too quick to dismiss people as idiots rather than countering their points with logic and reasoning; and worst of all, encourages other people to do the same as though that were an acceptable manner of conducting an argument.

The internet is here to stay, and we all need to get over the power-trip that anonymity brings, not simply throw our hands up and say "well, that's the way it is."

Very good points, but it is Human nature to not always think things through. And there are so many out in the wide world of the internet that count on anonymity to say things (ie write) that they probably would never do so in real life. I have posted over on Fugly disagreeing with her a couple of times, but expressed myself in a rational manner. Those who go completely ballastic when you disagree with Fugly are those who aren't playing with a full deck to start with. They want to be "someone" important (or that is what I get from their posts) and go overboard with their comments and with posting to whoever is being "outed" Yes, it has changed quite a bit from the original, I find that I don't read the comments as much as I used to. At one time you could glean some useful information from some of the posters and there is still a few that post rational thoughts. I believe that like many forums, what has started as being informative and interesting, turns slowly to crud. As with this blog, some of it has been interesting but the constant harping on what an idiot Fugly is becomes repetitive. So what shall I do? Turn my searching to something that attracts my attention. That is my choice, as this is my opinion. Everyone have a great week, spring is coming soon (I hope) and we can all get out riding more (after the rains and mud that is!)

Anonymous said...

Oh Goody...Another Fugly troll...
Fuglypony is thaaat yooouuu?

Anonymous said...

I have to say, I totally agree with you, jmarieappaloosa, about the eventual fate of the vast majority of internet forums! It seems to me that nothing can exist on the net for too long without the slow intrusion of self-important yarpers. (Hell, I probably fall into that category!) I do feel that to take the time to complain that a blog created for the purpose of showing Fugly up as an idiot spends too much time showing Fugly up as an idiot is a little odd, but like you say, it's your opinion, and I thank you for expressing it in a calm, civil manner :)

Dena said...

Yes, Quancast. The same quancast that estimates fhotd to have 120 U.S readers.

May I laugh now?

And I absolutely will check the report 30 days from now to see the effect my and so many others leaving has had.

Because you know what? Abusing random people is NOT funny!
Ugly profanity directed at her target of the day is NOT funny!
Her claiming to be some sort of expert? I will allow that that is a little funny.
Her claiming to be 40? That is very funny.
What is sad and not funny, is that so many do not seem to get that she is pathetically ridiculous in her role as, Fugly...
And honey, whoever you are? You did her claims of thousands of readers no real service with your broadcast here.
So, another fallacy exposed.
Big surprise there.

Dena said...

One other thing. I have a private blog.
My adsense account says that I have had 204 page impressions in the last 24hours.
Cool. Well over 100 for each day that it has existed.
Is that why I do it? No...
Honestly, who cares? The wenchster has very clearly stated that this blog is for calling Cathy on her bullshit.
From what I have seen, THAT, is exactly what she has done and continues to do.
I realize that ignorance breeds best in the dark.
But, it would appear that the fuglies will have to learn to adapt to arguing their ridiculous points under very bright lights.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I went and checked out Quantcast's numbers for FHOTD in the name of fairness. The first thing I noticed? US visitors only. Gosh, that's comprehensive. The second thing I noticed? Absolute maximum 140 US people viewing in one month. Max visits 51 in one month. During October 2008, apparently NO people from the US viewed the site. Something about these stats makes me suspicious, especially since there were comments made to the blog during October '08 from people living in the US, therefore there must have been people living in the US visiting the site! But then, I also noticed FHOTD is not actually signed up to Quantcast, which probably explains the rubbish data...

So, I ask, Anonymous Quantcast advertiser, did you check out Fugly's Quantcast stats before you suggested we all did?

Anonymous said...

No, Dena honey, QuanTcast says that fhotd has over 29k US viewers. Maybe you just don't know what you're looking at. I'll help you.

Anonymous said...

P.S. it's helpful to look right above "US" for their "GLOBAL" stats, xix.

Anonymous said...

Aaah, no, I retract my previous comment, I accidentally left out the .blogspot when I searched it the first time! If you perform the search without it, it brings up the stats page I was quoting off. I think Dena may have done the same thing as me, since we seemed to be looking at the same numbers. Hence why I said I thought the Quantcast results seemed stupidly low! Easy mistake to make, if somewhat careless - sorry Anonymous, for suggesting you hadn't seen the page, but you can see why I was a little confused.

Anonymous said...

Oh I see, yes that is an easy mistake to make. Hmm, I wonder how many others have done that same thing... I wonder why the heck that page with 120 viewers even exists?

Anonymous said...

I checked it out - it's one of those advert pages, domain name bought up presumably to cash in on misdirections from the genuine article. I probably just added its first piece of 'global' data on Quantcast, lol.

Straw said...

Lets not cast aside unique page views. 1 person visiting the site 7 times a day, vs 7 people visiting the site once a day is a completely different statistic.

Anonymous said...

I know ratedb, we're only talking about unique page views (called 'People' rather than 'views' on quantcast)

Dena said...


I did misinterpret the page. Thank you for the clarification.

But what of the stats that say,
readers defined as follows.

12% 3-11yrs. of age
8% 12-17yrs. of age
4% minority
9% addicts responsible for 67%
49% regulars responsible for 28%

responsible for page impressions.
And I still fail to see where traffic has been up this last month.
Or January.

Thank you for correcting me though.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I would like to point out that that Horse Traffic site you use is completely bull, so stop using it to lift your ego. Try something reputable, such as Quantcast, through which you'll see the truth. You will see that Fugly's traffic is not falling, and a wealth of other information that you need to be clued in on.
You can tell if a site knows what it's doing by merely looking at it, and cutesy "HorseTraffic" doesn't have a clue. Try registering with Quantcast, so we can all compare and see the truth, why don't you? Or are you too afraid to let everyone know your little #2 HorsieTraffic banner is a lie?

For me, it is the quality of the people visiting and partaking in this site rather than the quantity.

It is nice to be able to communicate without every word being a curse word and being able to understand what is written and have intelligent communication with others.

Does your Quancast give statistics on the content of the posts, comraderie of the members, proper use of the English language or the level of tension within ones blog? Hmmmm..I didn't think so..

Even prior fuglyites that have come here seem so much different away from the environment that breeds hostility and rage amongst each other, not even the culprits that are being called out.

You reap what you sow. And, we can agree to disagree in a civilized manner.

The Wenchster said...

Well I checked out the Quantcast thing and find it a little strange. For one, how is that site going to know your age, gender, if you have kids, if you went to college, and how wealthy you are? It says FHotD majority of readers are young, affluent white females.

Second, I'll stand by my original statement in previous post that her readership has dropped according to Quantcast which shows on the grid her readership did drop since January. Cathy claimed readership had been up. I will never dispute that FHotD doesn't have a lot of readers. I did argue that fact that Cathy posted her "revenge fail" saying readership was up in the last month when it wasn't.

Anonymous said...

The fugly-sheep are still bashing people in that second youtube link. It is scary how far they will go just to be nasty.

seaview said...

I've been riding for 30+ years and I am really just now starting to feel the effects of even minor falls that I just brushed off when I was young.
So, riding now? I am overly cautious because I'm terrified of adding insult to injury. And of course, that caution makes me stiffer when I ride which makes me even more sore; it's a never ending cycle!
Secondwind: excellent post! I see that behavior not only in barns but in my work environment-it's called "eating your young" :-)
I can understand teens doing it-they are just snarks because they're teenagers:-) Adults ripping people, I don't get; I don't think it's jealousy or low self-esteem; most often they are excellent riders!

seaview said...

It is quite scary, anon (how far some of the FHoTD readers will go); when I looked earlier, the topic was about the Scottsdale show and someone posted that he/she hoped the city of Scottsdale would fall victim to horrible natural disasters based solely on the way some of the halter horses were alledgely treated. That's frightening. I really can't read there's just too distressing.

Anonymous said...

and someone posted that he/she hoped the city of Scottsdale would fall victim to horrible natural disasters based solely on the way some of the halter horses were alledgely treated.

Oh. My. Stars. What the heck is wrong with these people? And let me guess, she, fugs, didn't speak up and say anything about that?

I love you for starting this blog, Whenchster, thank you! This woman and her followers are CRAZY!

Anonymous said...

People keep bringing up cars and horses like they're somehow the same.

Do I ride my horse at 60 miles an hour on the highway with a 100 other horses?


I understand that there are risks with both actives, but that doesn't mean you can compare them. That's like comparing riding to sky diving. Oh, wait, now THAT sounds crazy. ;)

By that logic, I should be wearing a helmet when I drive.

Helmets are just things that are, or are not, socially acceptable. Driving a car is far more dangerous then riding a horse, yet we don't wear helmets in the car. Why not? I'm sure if you did, it could possibly save your life. So, why?

Because it is socially unacceptable to wear a helmet in the car. Not so on a horse--that's okay.

I wear a helmet when I jump, or break a young horse in, and that's about it. My horse's are show pleasure horses... really hope I'm not going to fall of from THOSE bucking broncos, lol. I've ridden my share of bucks and rears and twists and hops--I think the thing that protects you most is your ability to ride through the 'shit scary' times. If your a bad rider, a helmet isn't going to save your ass. If you're a good rider, you've got a much better chance. I'm just talking about general riding here, not jumping or riding on pavement.

So if you say, 'helmets help in any way they can!' then why not wear them when you drive?

...Cuz that would be weird.

Horses can kick you in the head. Do most of you wear helmets when you're on the ground?

Life is full of risks. I choose to take mine without a helmet; I feel like they don't help much at all. What happens if a horse steps on the helmet? ...It's going to slide off one of two ways, towards the ground or toward my face. Having a crushed face doesn't sound much better then having a crushed brain. I ride and train on the grass (... no arena), and I've actually taken a fall and hit head first. ...And I got up and got back on. Was dizzy at work and the next day, but such is life. A horse could step on my chest and crush my heart. He could break my neck, my back. Why aren't people crying out for THESE things? Riding horses is dangerous. A piece of plastic isn't going to save my life if I seriously screw something up.

I wear a helmet when the risks are higher--like jumping, or green baby-horses, or known horses with bad problems. Usually the risks are higher when you have something to fall in TO--like a jump, or a fence because a green horse is scared and doesn't respect it. I think kids who are learning should wear them too. Doesn't bother me if they don't.

And sometimes, I just think people should learn how to roll. ;)

Anonymous said...

Do most of you wear helmets when you're on the ground?

That is a DARN good point, anon! High five!

Also, I read over the swugly comments left on those youtube vids and I swear, if Fugs doesn't want to be seen as crazy, she really needs to rein her cult members in, because they are making her look bad.

DK-Too lazy to sign in, but not lazy enough to type in the captcha and click anon.

ZooKeeper said...

Am I still invisible?

ZooKeeper said...

Aaahh...I guess not. I posted last night and it never appeared.

Anyway...a former FHotD reader who now tunes in to watch the latest episode of the internet soap opera. i must say things have been much more conservative over there the past week after the MP fiasco. Not sharing expense information with Champ donors was the final straw for this reader's respect.

I noticed something last April as i was reading from the beginning to catch up with who the readers were. Cathy posted using a sign in name I recognized from later blog entries. She posted as though she was just a reader, but was trying to stir up trouble in the "troops" questioning something written by herself in the current blog. I wish I had made note of the date, but just thought how unsavory it was to seed her own blog. Now...I wonder how many other times she did that to stir the pot and get the readers all worked up.

I find it ironic that she who did all the outing is now on the other end of the stick. Its a shame. There was good in what she initially started out to do.

In keeping with the current topic...

I think kids who are on or around horses should wear helmets. Their little heads are at just the right height to catch the worst a kick can do when walking around a horse and its a mighty long way to fall when they come off.

Adults...well...they *should* set a good example, but they will do as they wish and not listen even as you talk yourself blue in the face about safety, etc.

That missing stream is still out there. We just need to push responsibilities and current worries aside for a while and enjoy the peace found in the connection between person and horse. I always find that I just feel so much better after even a short ride.

My horse is my therapist and he works for food...and treats.


trainingemmy said...

Hey Zookeeper, do you happen to remember what name Cathy was signed in under? Was it her VLC handle? Because I think I noticed that she was stirring the pot back then too, and I remember thinking "that's weird."

Welcome, by the way! I think you'll like it here. It's quite convivial here. Although some people question the need for a blog created just to out Cathy, I think Wenchster is providing a good service.

Anonymous said...

I have often wanted to start the
I get tired of watching them bash other people, when they themselves are just a guilty as the featured person/ farm.

I have been around the Fugly blog for awhile, I don't go to the websites and bash the owners, I don't go over to YOUTUBE and comment. Fugly started off with a good idea but it has GONE OFF THE RAILS IMHO..

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the off topic post

GoLightly said...

I luz you, you understood the question, and didn't ignore me, all at the same time..

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

You know, I am one of those people who never wears a helmet, unless required by barn policy or event dress code. I raised my daughter, on horseback and she did not wear a helmet, unless required. I have no other excuse than it was a different era and a location that such things weren't thought about. Things are slowly changing. Even in the rural, western world we are starting to see little kids with helmets and even HS and Little Britches rodeo participants wearing them.
Helmets with face protectors and chest guards have become requirements for the rough stock kids.

Enlightenment and advancements are wonderful things, but sometimes at what cost? Helmets are not going to protect your child if you insist on putting them on inappropriate horses, don't teach them how to ride properly, don't provide suitable tack and don't follow basic safety measures.

Am I against helmets? Absolutely not. But I do get tired of the rhetoric about them, when I see a multitude of other things going on that I would not subject my child to or let them do, whether they were wearing a helmet or not. In the end, it boils down to the whole package concept. Common Sense and the ability to recognize potential dangerous situations.

I'll agree with the anonymous commentors, that when my girl was a tot, I always believed the most dangerous place for her WAS when she was on the ground around horses. The second most dangerous place for her was ON her pony. Not because of the pony, but because if a big horse ever jumped and kicked, her face was at the perfect height to catch that kick.

The people who scream because a kid is not wearing a helmet and say the parents should be arrested for child abuse, but fail to recognize a multitude of other "sins"-too much horse, too big of saddles, stirrups too long, kids pushed to ride to fast...are only showing their own lack of knowledge and inability to see anything besides the obvious.

The harpies will never force me to agree with them. Reasonable discussion on the other hand? Is persuasive and leads me to believe that adding a helmet to the list of safety measures has merit.

Anonymous said...

Cathy has several screen names she alternates:

Am sure there are more.

It does not take any type of site tracker to see that the readership is down, way down at Fugly. Just look at the # of comments. And most of those are exactly what she complained about- people talking between themselves with her best buddy CNJ the biggest offender. With her own husband, potty mouthed JR. Jeezz...... do they ever work, train horses and pay any attention to their kids??? What role models to our youth and an asset to our industry. WoW

Dena said...

My experience is that she has several SNs.
Many do.
Self included.
The internet provides multudinous opportunities to reinvent ones self.

ZooKeeper? Invisible? How could you be?
I enjoy reading what you offer.

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...


Have you ever noticed how JR will get on and do nothing but post curse words and others just fall over themselves to tell him how funny and cool he is? O.M.G!! Talk about a rooster in a hen house-hehehehe

The other thing that always pops into my mind is when people comment about how they have to be "careful" how they type her ID name...First thing I think is, "Yea-your fingers want to type what your mind is thinking".

Ohhh sorry...did I just say that outloud? My bad!

Anonymous said...

It is most comforting that she is the author of a blog promoting good parenting. I mean, who would be a better expert about child abuse, endangerment and neglect than a woman that not only accepts but encourages foul language by her husband towards young girls?
It baffels the mind. I know if I caught my husband making some of those comments he'd be gone. Quick. That is so not what I would want to be with my daughters at home while I was working.

CharlesCityCat said...


Oh, you naughty girl.

Dena said...

JR? MR. ROTTEN. THE 2 hour lead change fix?
Newsflash everyone. When the spelling is dead on? And he is a little too in touch with his feminine side?
That is CutnJump writing under his SN.
And seriously, they have all the equine champions, living and dead, right in their backyard.

Anonymous said...

Well now, now. Here is a link to Fugs message board she created in 2006 as "an animal rights activist".
Please note that the picture she took has a child on a horse with **gasp*** NO helmet. Or saddle. Or halter or bridle. Loose in a field you say? Why yes!!!!!

And for all of her preaching about safe homes for your horses, she placed this horse and doesn't even have the new owners name, address or phone number.

Anonymous said...

Many TB stud farms (and other breeds as well) require that stallion handlers wear helmets and chest protectors in the breeding/collection shed. Who knows what a maiden mare will do? She could aim for the stud, but hit the groom instead. Mares traditionally deliver kicks from their hind legs, while stallions strike with the fore.

another one too lazy to sign in...
Trish aka Padraigin

Dena said...

could someone please help me? I seem to have fallen off my chair and am unable to get up.
I think the shock has paralyzed me.
Cathy a hypocrite?
No!!! Say it isn't so.
I know that is what caused her to be such a rabid supporter for reform?
Well it sounded good.

Trmendous good work in exposing the Shamster!!!

Anonymous said...

two more of Fugly's handles:

Dena said...


Please tell me you posted this at fhotd?
It will help them in their recovery.
Well maybe...

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

CCC-I know! I'm hanging my head in shame.;) I've wanted to type that soooo many times, but was pretty sure it wouldn't be received as a jest and the flame-throwers would have hunted me down and incinerated me.
As if the pictures I post of my foundation bred horses, barbed wire fences, pieced together panel corrals and my helmetless daughter doing "dangerous" things with her horse wasn't enough to brand me a BYB from hell, I'm pretty sure making fun of the goddess would have gotten me executed.

No really, she needs to keep explaining why it's okay for her to breed for two more mixed-breed ponies for her kids, when there are hundreds, if not thousands out there right now that they could put their numerous training talents to so the babies have safe little mounts when they get older. Hmmmm??? Sheez-even I didn't breed more horses just hoping one would work out for my kid. My brother found her a suitable pony when she was little(that we stillll have-do those little suckers live forever or what?), she graduated to my most dependable old horse and when she outgrew that one, I bought her another one that I re-trained and then she finished. There was no breeding involved. Of course, now that she is older, she has her pick of any of the horses we have, but when she was little, everything we had was too green or too much horse. It was much easier and safer to buy her something that suited her.
You would think that a good horsetrainer and horseman would be able to pick out something and train it or retrain it so that it is safe for their little ones, rather than complain that they aren't going to deal with someone else's "junk" when it comes to their kids. But hey, I'm everything fugly rants against, so what would I know??

**Note to self...retract claws BEC!!

CharlesCityCat said...

Oh my.

Say it isn't so.

Well, well, well.

Um, ah, um.

Have to leave my desk a minute, people are staring at me.

CharlesCityCat said...


What you did makes alot of sense and so many should follow your lead. However, some people are different, just sayin.

Anonymous said...

The website of the famous CnJ & JR.

I think the only reason the other trainers are avoid him is they are afraid he will sit on them. Can we say chubby?

Also note they have bred a 24 year old mare- again. How cool is that retirement?

gotta love yahoos!!! and I ain't talking about the website.

bhm said...

Nice to see the regulars here. I'm all for having a civil conversation, but I can't stand anyone swearing at me.

JR and CNJ are abusive trainers that think it's OK to tie-up a horse for hours, in 100+ heat, without water to teach it a lesson.

CNJ uses draw reins to train collection and anyone that doesn't is just "painfully stupid". Also, she thinks that the Warmblood registries are %$$#^$* stupid because they insist on breeding inspections prior to breeding. Guess what, these registries don't have foals going to slaughter.

CharlesCityCat said...


Is that your super laser eye in your avatar?

It's kinda skeering me.

I have checked out the website of CNJ and JR, shall I say I was somewhat disappointed.

Malauree said...

CCC - I dito you on JR & CNJ's website.

Dena said...

I looked. I had too. I can't help it, it just has to be said.

Well that explains a lot!!!

Gato would have made such short work of The Rottens.

There is such a plethora of joke making material I don't know where to start.

bhm said...

CharlesCityCat said...


Is that your super laser eye in your avatar?

It's kinda skeering me.
LOL!!! I promise I will post Bucky's circus pony pics soon.

bhm said...

I agree about breeding the 24 year old. They seem to go for horses with a poor underline, a bad hip connection, a bad hip angle, and no show record. Isn't this something that Fugs preaches against.

Malauree said...

bhm - that's is what she is usually ragging on anyways.

Anonymous said...


You were always a kind, knowledgeable, caring about animals poster on FHOTD, and I always enjoyed your posts, and we "spoke" to one another and agreed on a common outlook regarding same.

So, will you still post on FHOTD, or are you just here now?

I must say, the more that has been revealed here lately, the more upset and confused I become.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that 24 year old horse on the CnJ's webiste was bred by them...It says she may be in foal for spring. They don't know if she is or not. It is possible that they bred her but don't know if she took (no idea of the correct terminology here) but the way I am reading it, it is more possible that they got her from someone who had a stallion running around who may have gotten to her.

On the post: I think kids should wear helmets when riding horses. It is a dangerous sport; we all accept that and choose to use protective gear or not...But parents should be protecting their child's head.

No, a helmet won't save you from dying or becoming paralyzed in most cases - but it can keep you safe from concussions, minor injuries, and loss of confidence (especially kids and beginners here...Why would they want to get back on when last time they got a knock to the back to their skull?)

I admit that I usually don't wear a helmet (except on lesson days where my horse turns into an overjumping, psycho beast). But I am also old enough to know that I am taking a risk by not wearing one. And I am ok with that because I know I will get back on if I get hurt. I am experienced enough to do that now. Most kids aren't. They will think that the 30 year old horse hurt them, and not understand fully that it just spooked and that it most likely won't happen again

bhm said...

How kind of you to say that. I was really hoping that I hadn't flamed anyone here in the past.

My email is if you care to reveal yourself.

bhm said...

I forgot to say that we are all posting on Golightly blog (Golighrtly fiction) and few others.

Anonymous said...

oh, thank heavens; I always read CNJ as the bad "c" word and have to mentally correct myself.
Thank heavens other people do that too:-)


bhm said...

*Golighrtly fiction=Golightly fiction

Anonymous said...

You might be right. If they are in doubt, the appropriate thing for the two bobble heads to do is call a vet and have her checked.
That is exactly the thing Fugly calls people out on so why the double standard? Is it because CnJ is holding court on the site today going down memory lane with her BS stories? Trying to bring life to an otherwise dying blog?
Didja notice Fugs is nowhere on her own blog but posting up a storm everywhere else?

ZooKeeper said...

Thanks for the welcome all!

Trainingemmy....I wish I could remember what name Cathy was signed on under. i just remember it was obvious that it was her. Now I'm going to have to go back to find it. For some reason November 2007 strikes a bell. I'm glad someone else saw it too.

I'm going to go get some actual work done...yeahright...and will try to catch up with everything in a while.

I'll be back.


Dena said...

Yellow Horse Inc.

Thanks Cathy for purchasing so an so. "Kit"

Also on sale page thick grey TB mare.
Is that her riding?

Will be a new thread on LBTD very shortly.
Apparently Serenity Rescue is about to come under message board fire.
Crazy the one rescue that adamently states they do not do the message boards.
Wonder who pissed off who?

Anonymous said...

On her Safehorse forum Fugs on the rules thread writes:
"Let me start off by saying that I have managed celebrity message board on which the celebrity was actually posting for over seven I have seen it all when it comes to the crazy things people will say and do thanks to the anonymity of the Internet."

Um- would this be this site?

Wow Fugs- now that's a busy board!!!
And just WHO is this celebrity? I fail to recognize him.

trainingemmy said...

Well, well, well. CnJ, the biggest Fugly supporter of all, is a backyard breeder. I guess it pays to be a rabid Fugly yes-woman, doesn't it? I mean, if CnJ wasn't Cathy's pet, then she could be featured on the blog.

I'd say I'm surprised, but by golly, I'm not.

Straw said...

Um- would this be this site?

Wow Fugs- now that's a busy board!!!
And just WHO is this celebrity? I fail to recognize him.

Lawlz. He's actually pretty good at being an "extra" in a lot of the crime dramas, and sometimes lands himself a multiple episode spot on some of them. I only know this *hangs head in shame* because I'm a crime drama junkie.

Regardless. I've played moderator/admin on a couple "celeb" boards too but I certainly wouldn't add it to my resume. It was fun, freaky, and totally unorthodox... and I enjoyed it on an un-natural level. Actually the term "silly internet power-monger" comes to mind. Because quite frankly, saying "I'm the admin of such and such's message board" felt really, really good.

Tho, that message board had more then 0 hits. :oP

Dena said...

I believe fugly is holed up over at the free speech forum.
With regard to stats I believe a great many of hers are carry overs from there.

Darcy Jayne said...

Dena - what's this about Serenity about to come under fire? I have a strong interest in the place (positive) and am curious as to what's going on.

The reason Serenity isn't active on the boards is people like Fugly and her followers. We've got work to do, horses to heal, etc...

CharlesCityCat said...

Just read up on the most current topic on FHOTD.

Apparently, CNJ has been appointed head expert in charge. Kind of surprised actually. Their website doesn't exactly substantiate that level of expertise.

Darcy Jayne said...

Dena - I tried to post a response to your blog, but the word verification feature isn't working.

Darcy Jayne said...

Thanks, CCC - found it. The post is not worth responding to. I suspect yet another Fugly follower looking for a fight.

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

CCC-Sorry, didn't mean to freak you out earlier. I wasn't trying to 'brag' that I'm probably considered a BYB by fugly standards. Just that a lot of average people, who still take good care of their horses, can still end up being labeled by what she says...guess it didn't come off quite the way I intended it. Which was in a humorous way...except for the part about the specialty breeding of more babies for the babies.

Thanks for the link to their freewebs site Anon. Very educational!!

MNaef said...

I had a comment.

GoLightly, I have no issue with cowboys or livestock handling. I'm not sure why you would assume that. The only issue I have ever had with you is your ridiculous comments on FHOTD and with your bud trainer_x. In other words, it's strictly personal. Don't project.


Wenchster, you're leading your readers astray about helmets and horseback riding. Insurance companies only give a crap about the bottom line. There is a reason they don't provide insurance to stables who don't strictly enforce a minors+helmets policy.

There are some reasonable safety precautions that parents can take to make riding less risky. I think that failing to take those precautions is irresponsible, and no, it isn't just up the parents. As a society, we're supposed to take care of the weak. Just because some poor kid has an idiot for a parent doesn't mean they deserve to sustain a horrific, avoidable head injury. That said, I do not participate in calling those idiot parents abusers on the internet. I simply point to the stable rules and make sure that parents who don't follow them are booted. I won't trail ride or permit people to trail ride with me unless their children have helmets. It's a protection thing for me. If one of those kids, crackerjack riders they might be, gets hurt, and the parents decide to try to sue anyone within reach, the first thing the judge will ask is why I, as a responsible adult, failed to take the simple precaution of helmeting the young kids. No brainer folks. It really is.

Anonymous said...

oh dear...I see from CNJ's site that they use ponies for adult riders that are intimidated by a full size horse. It goes on to brag that they have a 42 inch pony they put nervous adults on. Probably leads to nervous ponies :-)

Straw said...

Wenchster, you're leading your readers astray about helmets and horseback riding. Insurance companies only give a crap about the bottom line. There is a reason they don't provide insurance to stables who don't strictly enforce a minors+helmets policy.

Unfortunately not all the people who get ripped to shreds by Cathy or her readers are "training facilities" with insurance policies. Someone with 5 acres and 4 horses who post photos of their kids on fat ponies are being torn to pieces. Those people probably don't have liability insurance regarding their "stable" because quite frankly, they don't need it. They're families with 1200 lb pets.

There's also a reason insurance companies won't insure 45 year olds who've had skin's about making money for their firm. Seeing photos of people without helmets = the potential for lawsuit if something goes wrong. Accepting someone who's had breast cancer is also a potential liability. They don't want to look at a potential situation and say "well gee, we're going to have to dish out X amount of dollars if Jenny's parents decide to sue for coverage." So they deny.

bhm said...

CharlesCityCat said...

Just read up on the most current topic on FHOTD.

Apparently, CNJ has been appointed head expert in charge. Kind of surprised actually. Their website doesn't exactly substantiate that level of expertise.

What's up? CNJ has been appointed head expert on Fugly?

For someone who promotes head setting and the use of draw reins for collection, that's a very scary thought.

bhm said...

Anonymous said...

oh dear...I see from CNJ's site that they use ponies for adult riders that are intimidated by a full size horse. It goes on to brag that they have a 42 inch pony they put nervous adults on. Probably leads to nervous ponies :-)

My advice is to put nervous riders on very sane, yet very big draft horses. After that the other horses will look like ponies.

Anonymous said...

The reason there is no update by Fugs on her site is pure and simple. Curosity will make for more hits. No necessarily more revenue but it makes the stats look better when regulars return repeatedly looking for a new post.
There will be a huge screaming topic similar to the recent old slaughter bound horse pictures anytime soon and how busy she was getting all the information when in fact she has been all over the boards posting away.
Cathy my dear, you are very transparent.

For the readers entertainment, I suggest searching youtube for catknsn
Wow, what a rider!!! Maybe she can get some lessons from old JR.

Anonymous said...

Further BS from the Arizona BYB's
Please note link to CnJ website:

Loving hubby looks to be the best customer commenting in the guestbook- He just loves the stuff!! Ahhhh.... Dave. You are the best!!!
Truth in adertising much?

CharlesCityCat said...


Actually, I was being funny but apparently I wasn't.

It just appears that way from all of her posts.

CharlesCityCat said...


Actually, I did figure you were trying to be funny, I guess my response to you didn't convey that very well.

Must put my funny cap back on.

GoLightly said...

"GoLightly, I have no issue with cowboys or livestock handling. I'm not sure why you would assume that. The only issue I have ever had with you is your ridiculous comments on FHOTD and with your bud trainer_x. In other words, it's strictly personal. Don't project."

Yeah, I love you too, sarcasta.
Big hugs. I hate auctions. and?
Be nice, this is where people maybe will learn to be nice.
Well, not YOU, sarcasta, wouldn't want to break your record.

I notice Snaffles is commenting more on fugs TOO, makes sense, she despises my sweet arse as well.
Oh, well.
Good thing we don't have to sit together anymore.

Why not just stay over there

Why be such an insufferable twit?
Oh, right, you just ARE.

I'm learning as I go, but in your narrow little world, only YOU can decree when the lack of learning is stupid.
Just like fugs, HEY,

No such thing as a stupid question, except for this one.
Why do you bother, then?

Dena said...

Darcy Jayne

I have not heard 1 negative thing about Serenity.
I hope my posts have reflected that.
What I said about Patricia not being involved with the message boards meant exactly what you referred to.
Too busy and too smart to get involved with a lot of what happens on the message boards.
Word verification? What does that mean? And what can I do?

Dena said...


You think? Whatever will the breaking story be about?

And CNJ AND Rotten? Seriously, who would take their expertise, well, seriously?
I wouldn't let either one of them within 100' of a child, my horse, or my money.

Dena said...


Don't bait us. We all are a lot of us older women with issues.

Whatever point you choose to make will get lost in the ensuing exchanges.

I think you have the ability to make some good points.

You can bait us if you want. I am just saying.

Darcy Jayne said...

Dena - no worries. I just wanted to answer your questions about Serenity.

Rather than make everyone crazy sorting out the word verification problem here, why don't you contact me offline? I'm at dayngerous at gnmail dot come

Darcy Jayne said...

Oops - typo.

dayngerous at gmail dot com (not gnmail)

Dena said...

Darcy Jayne

Problem solved...

Anyone/Everyone postiing is resolved on LBTD.

Thanks for letting me know there was a problem.
Now please let me know about Serenity, or whatever.

P.S. I had 2 real words for verification here today.
"coast" "licker".
Hmmm. What could that mean? lol

Anonymous said...

Wait!!! I have got it!


After much consideration, and several hard knocks, I have determined not to abandon my fan base.
They need me. And I need them.
Because geuss what?
I am not and never have been who and what I have portrayed myself to be.

And if, you don't read for me? Please do it for the VLC. And all my other little fuglies that I can not afford to support.
Oh woes me. The horses need you.

Snort. Chuckle. Yes, I am a very bad person for indulging myself in this manner.

The Wenchster said...

BHM said...My advice is to put nervous riders on very sane, yet very big draft horses. After that the other horses will look like ponies.

Sorry but I had a great visual because of that.

I checked out the CNJ website. Not that impressed, I have seen a lot worse than that. But still, most of their stock is built terribly downhill, with straight shoulders and long-flat backs.

Anonymous said...

AMM- you are wasting your time. Sarcasta hears that EVERY place she comments and yet she continues to troll for flames. No life that one.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
AMM- you are wasting your time. Sarcasta hears that EVERY place she comments and yet she continues to troll for flames. No life that one.


Tooo bad she is not smart enough to catch on!!! LOL If everyone ignored her then maybe IT will go away!! LOL One of those people who wished they had horses. Ohhhh I know the type!! Thanks for heads up! I only read this blog. Wench is a friend & has views that more people should have.

bhm said...

For the readers entertainment, I suggest searching youtube for catknsn
Wow, what a rider!!!
OMG!! That's Cathy? OK, why is she criticizing everyone else for the riding mistakes. Oh, that's right, she's painfully stupid.

Cut-N-Jump said...

SO COOL! So you found our websites. Thanks for all the hits guys! We really appreciate it.

This will be my only post just to clarify a few things for you all. Though I still wonder why I bother, since the truth seems so foreign to some of you.

I like how this statement about the ponies-

"We have a lot of fun with them and they are great for people who are intimidated by a horses size, to learn horse handling skills."

got switched around to us having people RIDE them. Last I checked- horse handling skills and riding were two vastly different things.

But you all knew that, right. Comprehension much anyone? Yeah, I didn't think so.

The black, 24 y/o, QH mare, BB Tucker, came to us from a person who yes, had bred her back, and no, she did not 'take'. We had her checked for pregnancy and we were glad she was not in foal. We have no intentions of ever breeding her. BTW, FWIW, the stallion she was bred to- he had so much WOW factor, all I can remember was that he was a dark color. Bay or black maybe... She is semi-retired, which means we take her on an occasional trail ride to keep her in shape. I know, how dare us! *gasp*

Yes I am online a lot. It's part of my job. You know one of those pesky things you do to pay for the feed, vet, farrier and utilities. Rather than going online and begging for money like one of the posters here has done recently. We all know who that was.

JR posting- well he posts when he has time between horses, appointments and lessons. Yes we do use foul language from time to time. What if it?

And no Dena, as much as you would like to believe the things you make up in your head, I do not post as Johnie Rotten. Why would I? What purpose would it serve? Unlike you and your how many sceen names is it now?

I like how you have changed your tune to "I wouldn't let either of them within 100 feet of my horse" from asking us if we would train one for you. That goes right along with your praising the Shiloh rescue, then blaming them for trying to take down other rescues in the vicinity.

A two hour lead change. Not hardly. How brilliant that you not get it and have a 5 minute fix take you so long to get right. I dare say that it seems rather obvious of your own shortcomings instead.

Attacks about weight? Really now. So many of you have posted so much about how petty that is and how mean, childish, rude, etc. yet you stoop to the very same level yourselves... That says a lot about you now doesn't it.

Draw reins- Where have I ever said I use them? I would invite you all out to look for them, but since we don't own any, it would prove fruitless and be nothing more than a waste of your time. The closest you might come are the long lines we use for ground driving. Totally different equipment and concept though.

I also invite you to show everyone where we have tied a horse in the sun for hours to "teach it a lesson", with the exception of Dave being attacked by the stallion named Gigolo owned by Gary Clay. This happened several years ago and had it been any of you pinned to the ground by a horse with his knees on your chest and your throat in his teeth, I would like to know how YOU would handle the situation? Any suggestions? I would love to hear them. I really would. Gary was told he could go untie the horse, but he was so chickenshit and scared of Gigolo he wouldn't go near the very monster he had created.

That particular horse had issues that were created by Gary and his then other trainer Mickey Barrera. The two of them would routinely go into the stall for no other reason than to whip and beat on the horse. Gigolo's aggressive behavior was the direct end result. FWIW to any of you- Dave was the only one who could work with the horse after that with out any problems. If this were on the same scale of abuse as the beatings and whippings, I would think the horse wouldn't let Dave anywhere near him. Don't you?

And yes we are such BYB's our last foals are now three (3) years old. They are both currently being started under saddle and have a few rides on them each. We are in no way "pushing" them for competition. We would rather have them sound and competing for years to come, instead of a flash in the pan as a baby and crippled for life. Excuse us for caring about them, their soundness, well being or their future.

And the anonymous poster who said I am trying to carry on an otherwise dying blog, might I remind you that when Cathy first posted about Dena, one of the comments was that I should post about her. Did you notice? I never did? I won't, as I feel there is no need to do so.

And yet, I have stated a few times, if she is making a change in her life for the better- GOOD! I hope it works out for her. If things take a turn in the wrong direction, I just hope no animals are involved or at risk. Is that so terrible?

As for me holding court and being one of Cathy's mindless minions- if any of you had bothered to remember, I have openly disagreed with her on several of her opinions as stated in the main posts. The topic of hoof care for example. Go look, everything is still there if you don't believe me.

I just have one last thing to add. The way you all bitch and whine here, there and everywhere else that you post on the web, just proves how juvenille some of you act and really are.

Had any of you bothered to read any of this, contemplate the truth of the matter or bother to check for yourselves, NONE of it would need clarification.

But I know, it's way more fun to post and complain and act like children online behind everyones back. Acting just like the very children you acuse everyone else of being.

Carry on as you were, since I know you will anyways.

And this should go without saying, but unless I directed a comment to you by name, well you should know the rest by now.

And thank you to The Wenchster for the comments on our horses. If you were to see the horses in person, you might think otherwise or you may not. You are judging them by the pictures as posted and I can understand and appreciate that. Most improtantly, they are built for the job they do. Most of them we have not bred for, we bought or they were given to us. So a clear case of using what is there, that someone else seen fit to produce. I don't think you have an issue with that in any way.

Cut-N-Jump said...

I almost forgot.

Sorry for any typos. Since I am so perfect and everything.

bhm said...

CNJ response like every byb on Fugly. Why doesn't this suprize me. As for the draw reins and leaving a horse in the sun, go reread your comments on Fugly. So why are you over here anyway...oh, that's bitch and to whine.

Anonymous said...

giggle**snork** giggle***

Well, hello CnJ. Join the party, honey. How's it feel to be raked over the coals? A little different when the shoe is on the other foot, now isn't it?

You yourself have commented plenty of times over pictures far better looking than of your horses so do not act so righteous. And your 24 year old mare? You have headed the attack pack on others that have posted similar items. And when they pop up to explain, you call it whining.

Chastizing anyone for commenting on weight- well Hello Kitty!!! Just how many people has JR called a Fat B*****??? Yet he looks like a half delated Pillsberry Dough boy on horseback. What is you always say- pot meet kettle?

So you disagreed with Ole Fugs about hoof care. So what? You flame the fires. When she was outed for her horrible comments about her readers, you were the first to spin damage control.

Amazing that you can spot childish behavior on here but think that it is okay that dear ole Davey boy attacks and makes vile comments to young girls? Can you say double standard? How can you, as a Mother of three girls, defend a man who suggests publically a teenage girl is involved in beastuality? What is wrong with you? Do you not realize that by defending him, it makes you just as guilty?

And just how many times have we heard this on Fugs site:
"Had any of you bothered to read any of this, contemplate the truth of the matter or bother to check for yourselves, NONE of it would need clarification." Sounds like the first thing people say to try to vindicate themselves after the Fug attack.

For the record, no one posted anything behind your back. This is an open forum. Did you expect an invitation? Why, no one sent one to any of the people you have ridiculed on FHOTD.

As for the thanking us for the hits- another old tired saying from the Fugs blog. I think Dean and her supporters have used it frequently.

Try some new material, Linda. And welcome to your nightmare.

Dena said...

Oh God...Here we go again. Secret video and everything.

I won't read there. Will someone please provide the pertinent information with regard to the her latest target here?

I would be grateful...

Dena said...


Oh Waah...That being out of the way, wherever shall I start?

You never took a shot at me? Are you kidding?
Sunshine you took plenty.

And I asked if you and Davey would ever consider training and promoting a rescue horse. Non Gratis hon.
The thing is, I have not tremendously critiqued your combined training skills.
But, BELIEVE I would have climbed up both your asses with a miner light before I sent anything to you.
And again, as you said, reading for comprehension, may I suggest you try it?
You and your portly man have had plenty to say about everything...
And no, I would not trust you with anything that has any value to me.
Because, you are not trustworthy people.
As evidenced by the many verbal moodswings and backpedaling...
Linda? I could give a f*&% less what you think of me.
Or, what I have to say.
I want to be very clear. You and your man defy every aspect of professionalism.
And it shows...
Speaking for myself? I am tired.
Tired of the posturing and this is who I want you to believe I am today attitude.
I am tired of the unfounded attacks.
Grow up!!! The both of you!!! Because, I am not that big, but, it would not take me long to guarantee that your limited client base became much more limited.
Solely on what you yourselves have presented.
I also said I thought you had a very good ability to research.
Use your power for something good why don't you?
You could you know?
Instead of, constantly trying to establish credentials that don't matter, might not even exist as presented, and opinions based on that no one really gives a shit about.
And for the record? I have not even been there for awhile.
Everything I have recently commented on? Has been based on others interpretations of you and Johnie.
So, in closing? You reap what you sow.
Do NOT come crying to me or blame me for what you and the rotten have created yourselves.

*apology for the profanity.*
Fair enough?

bhm said...

I also invite you to show everyone where we have tied a horse in the sun for hours to "teach it a lesson", with the exception of Dave being attacked by the stallion named Gigolo owned by Gary Clay. This happened several years ago and had it been any of you pinned to the ground by a horse with his knees on your chest and your throat in his teeth, I would like to know how YOU would handle the situation? Any suggestions? I would love to hear them. I really would.
Well, I suggest you go back and reread JR's post about the horse he tied in the sun.

Yes, I've worked with horses like this before. Haven't you read any of my 18 billion posts on Fugly about working with the killer Shire...obviously not. Not once did I ever tie a horse in the sun without water to teach it a lesson. Perhaps, JR should have started the session with a known dangerous horse by getting a feel for were the horse's hot buttons are.

Dena said...

Oh...One other thing. I did bite the hook on DCCR and I did let SHR
spoonfeed me.
And then, I remembered I had my own brain.
Part of creating my blog was an effort to create a new way to gather and process information.
And as an apology.
Because, I should have KNOWN BETTER than to believe with conviction anything I read on FHOTD!!!
I should have known better than most.
I apologized to all parties. Because it was the right thing to do.
I think Jill Curtis may still not understand that I in essence apologized for not seeing her more clearly from the beginning.
Miracle Horse Ranch? I have never had anything except good/excellent reports on. Except for what Jill Curtis had to say.
So, I learned from my mistake. And I address that daily.
So, I won't forget, Again...
I am not interested in sensationalism. I am interested in rescuing equines. Occasionally people.
And furthering resources to do both for both.
So muddle that for awhile. Instead of making and taking poorly aimed shots at others. Eh?

Anonymous said...

Cut-N-Jump said...
I almost forgot.

Sorry for any typos. Since I am so perfect and everything.
Oh Linda??? Comprehension FAIL.
The only place you are perfect is in your over inflated ego.

We all know differently.

Dena said...

Someone wake me when she responds DESPITE saying this will be her one and only post ever here...

Anonymous said...

CNJ: I think of you as an intelligent witty person. I like you. I just wish you would see fugs for what she really is, see that this blog is about the person she truly is, and use your wisdom accordingly.

She's hurt many people for no reason whatsoever, other than to garner ego points for herself and a lot of pats on the head and yes men. You're not a yes man, are you?

CharlesCityCat said...

I will only direct one comment to CNJ:

When you talk about people coming on here and whining about FHOTD and how bad it is, you need to direct this same comment to Fugly herself, aka Snarkosauros. She did the exact same thing that you claim people are doing here, only worse, and then to make matters worse, she showed her ass (sorry Wenchster) by posting Revenge Fail. She is clueless, the whole point of why myself and others were upset by her behavior went so far over her head, you could have flown a 747 through the gap.

Did you ever step up to the plate on this issue, no.

I know I was disappointed in you and JR.

bhm said...

Well said. I couldn't agree with you more about the points going over Fugs, CNJ, and JR's head.

Dena said...


CNJ and Johnie couldn't step up to the plate.
Because according to both of them, I was too busy snorting lines off of it, and skiing uphill with it.

I know cnj, I know, you never said one bad thing about me.

CharlesCityCat said...


JR did make that comment about how many lines you could get on a plate didn't he. I know I was truly disgusted with that comment. I replied that I thought he was a very mean person and he came back with some very lame response.

Frankly, I now have my doubts that CNJ or JR know where the "plate" really is.

Anonymous said...

"Thanks for the hits" ??

That response only makes sense when you have a site that generates some kind of revenue... not a frickin FREEWEBS site.

If MY job involved me being online 24/7 I would probably put some of that time into a REAL website.
Cheap, ugly site for some cheap, ugly horses bred like every other half-assed "cutting bred" horse in the world.

What a joke.

MNaef said...

AmericanMadeMorgans, do you add anything to this blog except whining about me? I'd say you're part of the "sarcastabitch problem".

GoLightly, as usual, you don't make much sense. Be nice, this is where people maybe will learn to be nice.
Well, not YOU, sarcasta, wouldn't want to break your record.
Right then. Everyone, including me, is supposed to be nice. EXCEPT that everyone is permitted to be not nice TO me. Because I am meen. *sob*. I don't despise you dear. I do think you're in insufferable twit. The two are separate. I also think you're beyond the reaches of reason. It would make me sad, but I've realized there are hordes of whackos on the internet, just like you.

Yes sweetpea anonymous. I don't have horses. Except the three that I have. You can choose to believe or disbelieve that, of course. There is copious evidence of my craptacular riding and showing strewn about the internet. I make no pretensions about my ability.

horspoor said...

So sarcasta, you ride as well as you write I take it? Don't talk down to people in your pseudo elitist style, you don't have the ability to pull it off.

Get a profile. We might take you more seriously.

secondwindacres said...

Geez, I don't check in for a day and look what I missed. :)

I am one of the "painfully stupid". When I took issue with how Cathy conducted herself and tried to explain my position and why I was offended, I was told that I needed to "knock off the drama and grow a set, this is only the internet". It would seem that to certain people, explaining themselves isn't drama and whining, it's justified. The same people call all sorts of vile names and sling crap to others who are just trying to do the same thing. Things look different from the other side of the fence, don't they?

Anonymous said...

sarcastabitch said...
Everyone, including me, is supposed to be nice. EXCEPT that everyone is permitted to be not nice TO me.
Now I get it. So because someone was not nice to you it gives you permission to be the bully of the boards? Every single one I see you at.

This is so sad. I used to try to read your comments as your opinion and insight does have some validity but you are so caught up in insulting others that it gets lost in the vile. Your words of wisdom are wasted when you preface every response with what you percieve to be witty insults. Did you ever notice NO ONE agrees with you?

Congratulations!!!! You have achieved the "Most Likely To Ignore" award for the great wide web.

Let it go, Sarcasta, let it go. You will feel so much better, I promise.

Anonymous said...

What an interesting group you are over here. Claiming to be such understanding individuals and able to look past the mistakes people have made in their pasts, we are much nicer here, than the group over there---> pointing at FHOTD.

Yet many of you partake in the very same activity of burning someone at the stake in your witch hunt, justified only by the half truths you choose to see while ignoring the rest, you choose to overlook.

I took a look at the website of CNJ & JR. I have read her post above. Looks like you all went off half cocked in your "Holier Than Thou" attitudes and couldn’t recognize the truth if it smacked you full in the face and then proceeded to kick your ignorant, arrogant asses.

From my minimal snooping around, here are a few things I have found. CNJ was quite truthful in her post. But I know, none of you would care to admit that, now would you?

On the recent FHOTD blog about websites, she openly stated the website has not been updated for some time. This would be true as proven by the following:

-The 24 year old mare, would be 27 now and by AQHA recording purposes- listed as deceased. Her pedigree is on All Breed Pedigree Query. Can any of you see the 3 year gap in there? Anyone?

-The foals as pictured on the website are shown as foals in a couple pictures then what looks like weanlings or yearlings in others. Check the markings- same babies, just a little bigger. If there’s a 3 year gap as far as the aged mare above goes, there's a good chance these babies are coming 3 year olds. Wouldn’t any of you agree? Of course you won't, but I thought I would ask.

-The mare Jazzy Rainen as pictured on the Gallery page, was shown by David and placed pretty consistently about 3-4 years ago. After that she was shown by a Jason Becker, who scored 60’s and 62’s, which in cutting are the equivalent of a "gift" and barely above Not disqualifying you, which is most likely what should have happened. She has then changed owners a few times and resides in Goodyear, AZ, I believe it is.

David is also listed as showing another mare for the same owner named Smartyville, who also placed consistently and both mares were moving up in the standings under his training. Smartyville also seems to have been "gifted" with scores of 60's and low 60's under Jason. Considering both this and the fact that David is currently first in the standings for the green horse class, having shown only once so far this year, I would say he is doing something right. But then that’s my opinion and I am entitled to it as such.

-CNJ openly stated some time back they had sold the mare Psyndi. You know, the grey she had hoped to show at the Scottsdale show. Her being sold is probably as good a reason as any as to why they didn’t show the horse. This can be verified by checking on datasource, where you will also find they are not her breeder.

-Their OTTB mare Mad About Me, CNJ has openly stated the horse was to go to the local slaughter auction. She bought the horse before it shipped. You could hardly call them on that for being her breeder either. If you call the track office, she raced under the trainer Joe Toye, as a 3 year old and was bred in Washington state.

-Quite a few of their other horses also do not show them as being the breeders. This would mean as CNJ stated above they either purchased or were given these horses. This could hardly lay the blame on them for putting any of them on the ground. But for any of you to admit or acknowledge this, well then they wouldn’t qualify as BYB’s in your eyes, would they?

-The whole draw rein debate is a load of crap as well. It was Stacy Nichols (SFTS) of Sunlit Farms who stated she used them. Horspoor had said she used them on occasion as well.

SFTS stated she used them in addition to a single rein with a snaffle bit, but used the single snaffle rein 99% of the time. CNJ asked "Why bother with the draw reins then?" I can hardly see where it seems CNJ is so concerned about headset and using draw reins to get it. Didn't CNJ refer to draw reins as 'gimmicky'? Sounds more like to me, your information is quite misguided on this one.

While we are on the subject of SFTS- she was the one offering up the two hour, correct lead solution. Smaller circles- which notedly made things worse, and putting the horse back into long lines, checking the bit... The horse had a lead issue, not a bit issue and nothing needing long lines to fix. It was clearly a communication error or gap between horse and rider as I read it and by using the method given by JR, the problem was quickly resolved. Had SFTS been left to fix things, the horse may be in training with her for some length of time and could still have an unresolved problem. Its ok, she can suck up the money for training if that's her deal.

And I just know that for any of you to acknowledge the fact that CNJ has stated a few times already, that "If Dena is turning her life around for the better, then good for her." would just piss you off to no end and make you all look like the sanctimonious hypocrites that you truly are. She apparently is concerned that if Dena was to "fall off the wagon" as it were, there would be horses involved that may be at risk. Could you all be sure to hang her for that one?

BHM- the remark from JR to a "13 year old girl", if that were one of Dena’s many faux personas- I should hardly think it bears any credibility. It doesn’t hold water with me.

I have to believe CNJ is right when she said the truth is lost on many of you. None of this took any real time or digging to find. It’s all right there if you had bothered to look, which it is quite obvious, none of you did.

I have to say it did look like blogger J.J., did catch the 24 year old mare being bred part, and seen it for what it apparently is but I fear mentioning that, as it will just make the rest of the pack turn on him/her in your wonder lust to always be so right.

Maybe CNJ Not taking a stand on Cathy’s remark of bloggers being "painfully stupid" was her way of letting Cathy stand on her own for that one. CNJ didn’t say it, so why would she or should she need to atone for it? It looks to me like she (CNJ) isn’t playing front line defense on that one. Cathy said it, Cathy can take the hit for it, and rightfully so.

I'm sure since you are all so understanding, you will now aim your attacks at me for pointing these things out for you. It's quite all right. I can take it. I can see things quite clearly for myself and I am comfortable with that.

bhm said...

BHM- the remark from JR to a "13 year old girl", if that were one of Dena’s many faux personas- I should hardly think it bears any credibility. It doesn’t hold water with me.
Did say that. Wasn't me.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! You just did the same thing to SFTS as you are accusing the people here of. Bam, right under the bus for you, SFTS. What did she ever do to you?

JR's lewd comments have been made to many posters that were young way before Dena ever showed up- remember Buckinbo? He is trash.
He is a Father, for God's sake. I cannot fathom what you people drink that makes that behavior okay. I pray that Karma does not smack him in the face with that one via his own daughters.

Maybe CnJ did not make a stand on those comments, hell, maybe she was included in the painfully stupid. But she sure became the great Fug cheerleader trying to keep the dialog going after the great exodus. And that is her right. Losers hang together, honey. Looks like they made room for you.

I guess you missed the part where she has joined in quite a few bashing of peoples websites on her own, huh? Finding that would not take any real time or digging either. Go for it.

The point is- If you are going to assume about others, don't come whining when they do it to you. Had that been an anonymous site, Dear Fugs would have ripped it to shreds with CnJ and JR sitting on the front lines.

TaTa- it's been fun.

blank said...

I think it's sort of a you-can-dish-it-out-but-can't-take-it thing. Why don't the same rules apply to everyone? Because of the blog your comments originate on?