Yes lots to discuss today.
I was directed to this link on Cathy's VLC blog to a comment section.
Mark is Bullwinkle's owner who was pictured with the cute, unsightly front legged colt in this blog entry. Bullwinkle is VLC's unplanned son. Seems that Bullwinkle is having the same temper tantrums that were described to me of the VLC's dam having. His behavior is escalating even though multiple people have worked with Bullwinkle. The already huge 600 lb yearling is having behavioral issues and acting out despite having been properly trained and taught the task at hand. She described his behavior as rebelling and challenging. And for this horse owner to admit that a YEARLING is scaring her, it must be a lot more than what most would play it to be as just, "blurred lines of communication." Bullwinkle is acting out on tasks that he was trained, taught and asked to do in the past with very little issue.
I have to say that I feel sorry for Bullwinkles owner. But from what one of VLC's dam trainer has told me- I'm not surprised. What Bullwinkles owner just described is almost the exact thing that VLC's dam trainer told me. She had the same explosive behavior over simple tasks such as leading, yielding hindquarters, and side passing on the ground. Things that were taught to her early in life by professionals.
And as you can see from this horse sale ad - Sindy Sabre(VLC's dam) is only described as being a full sister to such and such champion. Talk about riding on the coat tails of far superior sibling. I believe that Cathy has made several comments about Stallions riding on their sire and grand sire's coat tails- shouldn't the same apply to mares?
And I'd like to add that Kudos to Bullwinkles owner for making the decision to actually plan to geld him even though he's going to be a very large buckskin colt.
Fugly Wench of the Day
- The Wenchster
- This is a philosophical blog about.....oh, screw it!!! This blog is dedicated to calling Cathy, the FHotD writer, out on her bull sh*t!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Trust Me- I feel for you!
Posted by The Wenchster at 9:12 AM
ok, I just went back to refresh myself on what the VLC looks like. I think his owner might need to pick up an AQHA Journal or go to some shows becasue that is not what they are looking for in the WP ring. His conformation is much more similar to a roping horse. If he's going to do well in WP at all, she's going to have to sweat his neck, teach him to move much more under himself as his strides in the pic look very short. He doesn't have the right rear end to be able to drive from behind. His head is also too far in front of the vertical and his poll is below his withers. According to the rule book, and according to what they are trying to teach judges now, the poll below the withers for more than 3 consecutive strides can be DQ'ed or at least put at the bottom of the pile.
That horse just does not scream stallion to me.
In addition, the legs on that baby are not good. If he passes that on, he should be removed from the gene pool.
I was reading some old comments from your first post and I just can't help but ask...Hannah, americanmademorgan, and a few OLD are you?? Seriously! By making the comments you do, you are NO BETTER and look FAR LESS MATURE than the very people you are bashing.
I'm telling you should visit the Forum. It's really nothing like the blog, at least not anymore. Same core beliefs but VERY different views on most things. We are not all a bunch of sheep. A few do get too carried away, but IMO some of you are, too.
At least FWOTD is mature in her disagreements and makes good, valid points. All you guys are doing is acting like a bunch of little kids who are hiding behind your mom while she yells at the bully on the playground, throwing in a "YEAH! Take THAT!" every so often. Really, it's not very becoming of any of you.
Have to say reiner is right. I am a fugly reader who is enjoying this blog . I think FWOTD is actually giving a difering side of a debate or point of view in a well mannered and mature way and it has made it a good read for me. It is also now listed in my bookmark websites.
BUT what has turned me off or left a sour taste in my mouht are commments fromt he likes of people like Hannah who are no better if not worse then the very people they and this blog takes issue with.
You have yet to back up your comments and rudness with any solid credibility and proof of knowledge in regards to the horse world ( I meant to commentors not FWOTD)
And yes Reiner is so very tright go read the forum. You will be plesantly surprised by the voices of reason and the incredible wealth of knowledge that is on that forum.
I will continue to read this blog because I enjoy it I however will not be commenting or reading comments unless the likes of Hannah and others learn how to debate like mature intelligent adults
Thanks for writing FWOTD
A fugly reader :-)
( note: apologies for the terrible spelling I have a very tempermental pc and I am at work ....that means type fast to make it look like I am actually working LOL )
Samantha- I have no doubt that the VLC could make a nice amateur WP or even trail gelding. With as many Gelding Incentives that APHA and AQHA are presenting these days, far more people are willing to go ahead and castrate their show mount.
I get why these huge breeding farms are spitting huge sums of foals on the ground. I don't agree with it- but I understand. The tax breaks for breeders are so much higher than those of trainers/competitors. But even when huge ranches like Carol Rose with superior bloodlines are still stuck holding onto foal crops from years past- you know it's time for the bigger ranches to also quiet down their production.
And for WP classes, I get tired of trying to keep up with what's the trend. One year it's the head between the leg look with rider in flashy outfits that seem to come straight from Vegas or Atlantic City- the next it's the even neck, poll, and top line with rider in plain, two toned outfits.
Reinershine(like your catch name BTW)- I was sent a link to the MB and I did like it. It was a bit confusing navigating through at first.
I'm glad. I do think once you get used to it that you'll find it varies from the actual blog a good bit. Occasionally you will get a "fugly-esque" post about a fugly horse or someone doing something stupid in a video, but almost every time there's more than one person who will come in and say "what's so wrong with ____?" (and believe me it always starts a juicy debate, HA!).
I tend to stick to the horse-related and Non-horse-related threads, though sometimes the HR side gets a bit...overwhelming at times. Stick around if you want to. I think you'll find that the board is full of some pretty knowledgeable people. I know I've learned a lot from it regarding conformation, not to mention other things that I had NO idea about before going there.
I have to agree with this blog on fugly's rather one sidedness. I approve of what she is trying to do, but the way people word a few things is very aggrivating. I started my own blog in protest of some of the behavior. Personally I take offence to every nasty comment about foundation QH. I own several very nice foundations, one heaven forbid is Perlino and Poco Beuno. She's a good mare and well put together that rides nicely for her level of training. I'd be hung out to dry about her I am sure. I also have a super sweet TB mare and other breeds. As for Bullwinkle, errr my foundation QH yearling is far more correct and he is buckskin too.
TexasPaint- her open dislike for Foundation is something that irks me as well. Amigo is foundation, 32 and healthy and I have another foundation bred Poco Bueno Barrel Mare that is 25 and still running 1D and 2D. Yes, there are overzealous foundation breeders out there that do tend to breed whatever stallion and mare they can that's able to be double registered AQHA and FQHA. But the same can be said for almost any discipline. Poco Bueno was a great horse and his GET and their GET still make names for themselves in the show ring.
From what I've read FHOTD portrays every Foundation horse as long bodied, cow hocked, short-bull neck, mutton withered, ugly face horses. Sure there are going to be some not so pretty Foundation QH out there, but I've also seen some pretty hideous questionable WB, TB, Arabs, and Ponies. But it doesn't mean they are all like that.
Hm, Someone I don't believe you Hannah.
Just to add, didn't you say in a previous comment that you were a teen? How can you possibly have been riding 20 years? Unless you were doing it in the womb?
Charlotte, somehow I fail to believe that she is any older than 14. And Hannah, if you indeed ARE older than that...well...too bad you sound like an ignorant, bratty teen.
And to be quite honest, I couldn't care less what your background is, who you know or what you're studying...because you sounds like an immature baby.
"so while you change your own diaper i'll be busy being awesome, over here!"
...somehow I expected a comment like this from you. Congrats on sounding like an idiot. I'm majoring in accounting so I can afford to do all the horsey things I've wanted to do. And when I graduate (next spring), I'm going to become certified as an equine dentist. However, I consider myself at least one step higher than you since I can refrain from speaking like a spoiled teen.
that's "sound," not "sounds." Fingers going too fast, I guess.
By the way, Hannah...I don't recall asking for your experience. I asked how old you were. Big difference.
Reading comprehension is a wonderful thing to have.
Hey reiner it may possibly be my fault as to why hannah decided to spout of in such a manner. I did not actually ask her for her experince I just said she was saying she was beaking off a fair amount for someone who was not backing what they had to say thats all
If FWOTD were to kindly confirm that she does in fact know you and can vouch for the mounds of experince you mentioned above then I am perfectly willing to apoloize if i offended you in anyway Hannah
If you do indeed have all the above mentioned experince then fantastic ....why not learn how to use it to help others you do not know via the net. why not learn how to debate and argue like a mature adult ...which is what I am assuming you are due to the mention of your 20 years experince.
But until FWOTD confirms that she does `know and love you`I will continue to doubt your credibility and knowledge...but you appear to be a very self assure young lady that I am thinking my judegement means nothing to you
Have a lovely evening
Ah Louisa I didn't see that. If that's the case, I apologize on that issue, but I still stand by my other comments.
yeah sorry bout that reiner totally my doing. I like the comments you did make
I am also on the message board by the way ( sonnet) and think what you have said is pretty much bang on point
Polish up that apology! Would you like some sugar to help the bad taste it's gonna leave in your mouth?
Hannah is as she represents herself and has no need to lie, enlarge or embroider. "It ain't bragging when it's true"
We all love ya!!!!!!!
all i am saying is if hannah has the experince and wealth of knowledge she has written above then surely she must be able to debate and argue in a mature and educated way
you seem to have skipped over the bits where i have said and a few others that we like this blog and that she is bringing up some really and truly valid points
it seems or appears as though you0 simply want to pick a non existant figth with people who have come on here and actually said thanks for writing ?! why?????
That's what I'm thinking, far quite a few Fugly followers have been here and aren't trying to pick any fights...I know I'm not. My only point was that there are a few on here who are quite immature in their debating and aren't offering anything of value.
I also wasn't trying to "pick on the youngest." Apparently you missed the point on that one. Which was...if you are (supposedly) a mature adult, then why do you behave like a bratty teen? THAT'S my point.
And I don't feel like I'm losing any battle as I never wanted a battle to begin with. I think Louisa is guys are so busy trying to pick fights that you're totally ignoring the fact that we're not trying to argue in the first place. I'm still curious how old you are, by the way.
"now try to get some sleep because I heard school has started back and no one wants the fuzzies on their first week of junior high...get a clue!"
Funny you should mention Jr High as it seems that's where you're permanently stuck, mentality-wise. As I've mentioned before, I'm a senior in college...but keep those childish insults coming. It makes you look awesome and LYK SOOO TOTALLY KEWL.
If you're 21, how can you have ridden for 20 years and trained for 10?
"Training" under the age of 18 in my book does not count.
And one or two equine classes doesn't lend much credibility either. I have a masters in equine repro and still learn new things almost every day.
Please don't re-rail this blog as it gets started. FWOTD is making very valid points in an educated and mature way. Please, try to follow her example.
I was kinda going to ask the same thing Hannah.
I was going to give yout he benifit of the doubt and simply knock down your writing and word usuage to simple passion for what you believe in .
But you stated riding for 20 years training for 10 years which well now kinda blows your credibility with a big ol "your talking through your ass" bomb lol lol
Knowing the industry and the showjumping world as I do I am pretty sure a international rider would not allow you near one of their million dollar horses if youwere like 15 years old ??? lol
And again I am still waiting for FWOTD to confirm she/he does in fact know you and vouches for your credentials. If FWOTD does then I whole heartedly and humbly apologize for doubting your above mentioned amazing resume
Yeah Reinershine we are the BASHING people. You better go read again! Because people are comming on here talk crap to US!! Learn how to read. She is a hypocrite for keep that AWFUL horse a stud!!!! Look at his colt legs! Ohhh my they are AWFULLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reinershine looks who talking your here defending a woman that doesn't do what she BASHS other people over. VLC is NOT STUD material!!!! His colts legs are just AWFUL!!!! Why don't you practice what you PREACH!!!! I have read her site a few times. I do NOT like how she talks to people or about people. I do not like she thinks she is God. & She is perfect, she is not. She must be proud for you, one of her SHEEP are over here defending her. Good job little SHEEP!!! You tring to talk crap on here because we all think different from your god. It's OK not to be one of her sheep!!! You just mad because we alllllllllll have our own mind & no one sheep!!! baaaa baaaaa baaaaaaa
Hey Wench,
We (the breeder I worked for) had a stud colt that inherited his mothers attitude. Psycho attitude at that!
The dam would blow up and attack anything that was alive! Dogs, cats, birds....PEOPLE!
Other horses stayed far away from her. He bred her because of her good bloodline (The Ol' Man) and her color (palomino).
One day an old man that was there to tinker around was walking by her pen. She lunged over the top, grabbed for his head and only grabbed his hat.
Another day she lunged at the owner when he was graining her. She grabbed his arm and shook him like a rabid dog.
One second I could be grooming her and working her and the next, she would snap and just be hateful and killer.
Her foal was an Isabella paly and UGLY AS SIN!
His head was grotesque!!!! I woulda smothered him on the spot he was so nasty!
When she foaled, she actually kicked her colt, bit him, and left him alone for long periods.
(prob cuz he was so damn ugly) Life was all about her and if her little colt couldn't handle it no love lost.
That colt displayed the same temperament by the time he was 3 months old. Meaner than hell and dished it right back to the dam.
It took me 4 months to get that boy from charging the stall door to kill me when giving him water or hay.
Where is he? Went to auction in Mass or in Missouri area. I keep searching his name up and come up with nothing. I think he found himself in some steak rounds.
anyhow...I am a firm believer if you have a nasty attitude in a dam or sire, DON'T BREED IT!
that'll be a penny please :)
Reiner dear...quit with the pseudo want to debate? Chase yourself over to a Wm F Buckley website(s) and prepare for an ass kickin'....I'll sell tickets.
Also Hannah is from Australia, totally different views and lifestyles of using horses. You cannot discredit someones experiences when their culture dictates a totally different life than yours....I am from the states and if I didn't know her would have made similar assumptions...We in the states value education, apprenticeships and experience to the nth I have an Equine Sciences degree and 30+ yrs of horse training as a lets not discredit someone just based on age.
OK, said my peace.....Im out of it....I didn't want this to turn into exactly what FUGLY was.....mudd slinging and bashing....I think Hannah also needs to learn to communicate in an educated respectful way.....wanted this site to be different.....
Fat: I apologise profusely for my above post I to wanted this blog to be different and to possibly be the other voice out there or view point. But reasoning with someone like hannah seems impossible nad yes most definately brought the worst out in my writing wise and poinion wise.
So I apologise to you for that
accepted....really want this to be better than FUGLY...A place where people can seek a different opinion and talk with other educated, experienced people...nothing wrong with a good debate...but If i see a STFU or fucktard......Ill be sad.
The best thing to do when someone starts name calling is not respond.
I agree and your right ....but I unfortunately have a horrible feeling fat ( and it is such a shame if I am right ) that this is where this blog or at least the comments sections are leading.
Not sure if your ead my previous comments but attempting to be rational and debate on here seems to fail with certian people
Others its worked brilliantly like the most recent post great debate going on over there actually
but I hold little faith that this can be kept in check here .....sorry !
You know it's sad that I actually could have enjoyed this blog if it wasn't for a few certain people on here.
Hannah, I'm 22 so even if not by much, I'm older than you are, but I'm still ashamed you're in my age group. Very ashamed.
I don't think "wit" and "immaturity" are the same thing. You can be witty without being immature, and you are the latter; I'm sorry to tell you.
Apparently a lot of you are too stupid to see that I'm agreeing with you on most things. But apparently, you still find it necessary to pick fights that no one wanted to begin with. Have you all missed the parts where I've said I don't think the VLC should be a stallion? I guess you must have ignored that part in order to start more arguments.
And Roanhorse, once again, I'm NOT defending her and I'm NOT one of her sheep. I almost can't stand to read the blog anymore and I DEFINITELY can't stand to read the comments from some of the crazies who post there. There are certain things she knows, and I will NOT deny that she contradicts herself. She does.
Is that clear or are you having a hard time understanding me?
And it's not "fake" intellect, honey. Even so, I'm not sure what your point is. I wasn't trying to be "smart"; I was only trying to lay out my OPINION.
I honestly feel bad for FWOTD that she has some of you for followers. You are making her look horrible, and I don't think she is. But you should feel great for giving her a bad image.
So FWOTD, I like your blog, but I hate to say that I think you're going to lose a lot of readers unless people like Hannah, AMM, and RH are moderated somehow. IMO they are worse to deal with then any crazy from the Fugly blog, and I'm awfully close to NOT reading that at all anymore for that reason.
Hannah, since you seem to hate hypocrites, I would really watch calling someone else's spelling and grammar atrocious. Yours isn't exactly exemplary of perfect grammar.
as I had said in a previous post my grammer and spelling is shocking due to fact that I am writing at work ( yes I realise I should be working but this is far more interesting ) so I am unable to go through it with a fine toothed comb. However if my spelling and grammer offends you so greatly hannah I will make a larger effort to please you on that front
In regards to your comments...yeah they were directed at me and yes you were offensive with such statments as getting your fangs out and I 'll suck you dry and you know it and while you change your own diaper....they were directed towards myself or possibly Reinier.
I willnot ignore you because I believe as you put it your warped sense of retaliation gives this blog a excessively bad name and basically lumps it in with the sheep of fugly
As for where I live strangely enough I do not live in America at all and in fact have shown on three continents and even more strangle worked in Australia for over a year on a sheep and cattle station in Victoria and know how it goes down there very well.
I am not requesting you to fit into any idea what I am requsting of you is to behave with a little decorum and a little bit of class and then I will take you and your experince seriously. Obviously my opinion of you does not matter to you and vis versa BUT the impressions we make in our life wether it is from people we know closely or people we will never meet shape us into the people we become and are.
For all I know you could be exactly as you advertise and for all you know Hannah I could be one of those international riders in the jumper world and I could be one of those people who owns one of those top flight horses that people lust after ....thats just it...its the internet and your writing is what helps people form opinions about you and wether you are worth what you write.
So no I will not ignore you in any way shape or form young lady and yes I am focusing on you as you appear to be the shit disturber on what is otherwise potentially a brilliant and bloody amazing blog
well reinershin i never directed anything at you until you decided to pick up my random humorous postings as somehow personal attacks. I'm sorry you feel that way and it will be sad to see you go, I have a cupcake we can share, before you leave. I thought that maybe if you understood my warped sense of humour that one day our friendship could blossom...but alas. i'm being serious and i'm sorry if i offended you, but this fight never should have happened. lets start again shall we, i'll give you the icing part!
By the way, Roanhorse...I do believe I said I DID NOT want a debate; therefore, I'm not sure why you are saying that I wanted one. See what I mean? You all just like picking fights that don't want to be "picked."
Hmm....well too much icing makes me sick...I'll take the cake part. So long as it's vanilla.
it's any flavour you like, it's a magic cupcake filled with friendship and love.....
and louisa, (releases you from web, removes fangs and gestures for you to sit on the picnic rug with reinershine) come and have some cupcakes, and we can me merry!
is it genuine Hnnah or a game ?
I'm being serious, i never offer people cupcakes under false pretence, come sit with us, you can have reiners icing or this special one i made with a L on it! no seriously it's not a game.
Ok peace offerin accepted ...thank u
YOU ATE MINE!!!!! joking :)
lol ...I have deleted my earlier comment
and i shall delete mine :)
how the heck do you delete comments? I used to see a trash can but now it's gone! :(
i still see my trash can....maybe refresh...
Ok Ok!! toooo sweet!....LMAO!
Bucky, regarding your mare/colt example, do you think that the colt's temperament was a function of nature or nurture or both? In other words, do you think the mother's nasty temperament was genetically donated (haha) to her son or did it rub off in the way she treated him? Or am I just anthropomorphizing to beat the band?
Reinershine, Don't come on here & talk crap then say people like me are going to give this blog a bad name. YOU can over here to this blog to talk crap. I have years on you & maybe you should sit back & listen/read & learn something. Instead of trynig to dictate who is going to do what. When you are the rude one. I think you need to grow up & act like a adult.
hls: oh it was a definite genetic/inherited funk. His dam was nasty before her pregnancy, nasty after it, nasty in between...and after she was sold she was a terror again.
Yet the new owners bred her again. They said she never kicked or bit her filly but was not a nurturing mare. She was like "suck it up, don't be a baby".
The filly was unmanageable and from what I gather, she attacked people and blew up. The girl that knew the new owners said that the filly was taken to auction...drugged.
So I do pretty much believe there was a neurological issue passed down by the dam.
Scariest horse I ever knew.
Ahhhh "don't care to debate"..then what is your purpose for your presence here other than to toss insults. To share what little knowledge you do posess or to clutter up the website with your bullshit?
Ohh by the way Reiner an equine dentist??...with your attitude, and a 22 year old smart aleck to boot, you'll be hard pressed to find those customers who'll put up with your arrogant attitude...and subsequent incompetance.
Good luck in life, you'll need it.
Highly judgmental and zero brains...PR isn't your forte'...
Bravo Roanhorse!
Magical Cupcakes anyone?
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